Sweet Revenge

by JH 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Has it ever occured to you to think about doing something nasty towards the elders of your congregation after being disfellowshipped? Do you ever get ideas about getting even with them? Maybe your way of getting even is just by being here on this forum and letting everyone know about them.

    Edited by - JH on 16 December 2002 18:19:0

  • Xander

    Never been DF'd, but...

    I don't know. I hate them, they did a good job on ruining my life (not saying it's not recoverable, but it's a ridiculous amount of effort I shouldn't have had to spend).

    OTOH, I also pity them. They are fools, led by fools, and leading greater fools to their demise.

    It's irritating, I don't know really what to feel.

    In any case, certainly not revenge. At least, not in a cruel way. Would I like to see their authority crumble? Their entire empire collapse? All witnesses wake up one morning and realize they don't need to listed to a few grumpy old men?

    Well, sure.

    But that's not revenge. That's pity....

  • hippikon

    I'd love to bug the library and listen in on the JCs and Elders meetings. LOL

    Edited by - hippikon on 16 December 2002 16:52:49

    Edited by - hippikon on 16 December 2002 16:53:54

  • JH
    I hate them, they did a good job on ruining my life

    It must be pretty frustrating, to see people try to ruin your life, and not be able to do much about it. Thats why they keep on doing it over and over, it's becaue they have no consequences to their actions.

  • metatron

    As I've said before, if every df'ing ended up in a brawl that the police had to break
    up, we'd see change.


  • SPAZnik

    Nope. They did me a favor.

  • freedom96

    There is one elder in particular that I would like to have a little chat with.

  • Princess

    They never bothered to call on us. I don't think I'd ever resort to revenge, just like to bug them with Jack O'lanterns on the porch of the Kingdom Hall and stuff like that.


  • DakotaRed

    I got my revenge by forgetting to sign my DA letter. What started off as an accidental oversight turned into a big laugh for me.

    They sent me a cerified letter first asking for my signature on the last page, which they also mailed me. I filed it away for recycling purposes.

    After a couple weeks, two elders stopped by early one Saturday morning and woke me up from a nap. They started of asking very sweetly for me to sign the letter, saying it wasn't legal without my signature. I replied, it was legal enough for you to announce publicly in the Kingdom Hall. To which they replied that they still needed my signature on it to make it legal. I replied, "don't worry about it." Again, they stated that the "Faithful & Discreet Slave" required my signature on the letter. Feeling a bit ornery by now as well as perturbed they had woke me up, I replied, "well, if he wants it, tell him to come get it."

    They literally stomped out of the house, almost knocking each other over, while I sat their laughing.

    Lew W

  • Iwasyoungonce


    Good post!

    But, I don't think that being here and telling what has happened to so many of us, and more important that there is life after mind contol, knowing it was not just you that they were messing with, it wasn't so much personal...They treat everyone like crap after awhile...It's...It's...It's just nice to know that something that seems so personal isn't. It's cookie cutter common! I don't see things here as vengence or hate. It's about the truth about "The truth." It is about the call for justice and not revenge. (Although I could live with revenge...If I wanted it)

    Farkle already said it. That everything about the JW's have been covered. Ad nausia. And in his name I make sure to have pineapple with my pizza every time. But there are so many people that are going through either the years of hell that I had as an uninformed nincompoop, or others trying to do a slow fade (?) And of course the ever mounting Df'ed/Da'ed.

    Ever see Leathal Weapon 2? When Mel Gibson takes his truck and pulls down the house cause he's real pissed off. About the tower...Ya I could see that. (Some here doing that)

    Anyway I am rambleing so I will cut it off here.

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