Subtle Control Methods

by James2300 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • James2300

    Structure of the Awake! magazine

    The first 8 pages or so consititute the cover article. First, a problem is identified (pollution, crime, etc.). Second, the reader is convinced of the gravity of the problem by quotes from authorities and dire predictions of the future (if the current trends continue, the world will run out of energy, etc.). Third, the possible solutions to the problem are identified and dismissed. Each solution is presented along with criticism of the solution (because it won't completely solve the problem, it's only a stopgap measure, etc.). At this point, the reader is convinced that there is no solution. Then, the JW solution is presented by quoting the Bible. No criticism or limitation of this solution is mentioned. The article ends with every human solution discredited and the JW solution presented as the only alternative.

    In the middle of the magazine are the longest and most complex articles. Topics like "What is the Bible's Viewpoint," and "Questions Young People Ask," are presented. At this point, the reader is at his/her most vulnerable and the most likely to accept the view presented. As the reader begins to fatigue and attention drops off, the articles are shortened, becoming progressively shorter until you reach the end of the magazine. Also, the articles contain more frivolous subjects like the natural world, travel experiences, letters from readers, and the back page advertisement. The reader is left with a good impression and in a good mood after reading the cheerful articles at the end.

    Of course, not everyone reads the magazine straight through, although many do.

  • rebel

    Me again,

    I hate the way you are always told that Satan is to blame for everything bad that happens to you. I have even heard Satan get the blame for the fact that a brother ran out of petrol on his way to an assembly. Why didn't he just admit he was a divvy and should have checked it himself? Don't they think Satan has anything better to do than drink petrol out of people's cars? Why do they think that they are the only targets of Satan? They blame him (her?) for EVERY stupid little thing that goes wrong in their lives - even though for most of them they are responsible. You are then encouraged to be forever on the lookout for Satan's 'craft acts' - it almost makes you paranoid.

  • James2300

    Structure of the Watchtower magazine

    The Watchtower is presented with a somber font and a boxy article layout to give the impression of authority, seriousness of purpose, and reliability. Page 2 begins with a "statistics" page that presents the impressive circulation and language translation figures. Those figures enhance the image of seriousness and importance. The matter-of-fact dullness of this page presents the magazine as some kind of serious journal unconcerned with flashy marketing.

    Like the Awake! magazine, the magazine begins with a cover article following the same basic layout as the Awake! cover article. (See my earlier post for that.) The heaviest articles--that is, the study articles--are in the middle of the magazine. They follow a predictable pattern. The first article concerns itself with a historical/biblical/scholarly study of the subject at hand. The second article focuses on the practical application after the reader is thoroughly convinced of the WTS's view of the subject.

    Each article follows a predictable internal pattern. For example, this is how the first article usually proceeds: The first paragraph opens with an experience, story, or illustration that everyone can relate to. Several indisputably true facts are usually placed in the paragraph. (For example, the sun shines, lightening is impressive, we need light to live, etc.) Often, the second or third paragraph contains an assertion of authority. Usually this takes the form of simply mentioning the "faithful and discreet slave" and referencing the quote from Matthew 24:45 in parenthesis.

    At this point, the reader is relatively complacent. The subject matter is then dealt with, progressing in complexity until the middle of the article. Some exhortations and commands are imbedded throughout but most frequently in the latter third of the article. Then it concludes by asking a question and introducing the second study article.

    The second article focuses on what the WTS actually wants the reader to do (like meetings, field service, etc.). It's pattern is pretty similar to that of the first article.

    Then the magazine introduces lighter articles about specific doctrinal issues, policies, etc. They usually become progressively shorter as the reader nears the end of the magazine.

    I'm sure there is more to say on this. Unfortunately, I don't have any magazines anymore to reference from.

  • artful

    Some great points here James!

    Re: the Watchtower format. I have noticed that in many of the recent WT articles the focus has been on organizational loyalty. As you mention, the article will start with some benign comments or illustrations and then proceed to the real purpose of the promote the authority of the FDS. They have been spending an awful lot of time drawing parallels between themselves and the Old Testament leaders (the faithful ones of course). This constant equation of their authority with, say that of Moses, has been a very effective form of indoctrination that there is no life outside of the WTS and there can be no loyalty to God without loyalty to his "visible organization".

    To demonstrate how effective and subtle this mind control method is, this weekend I had a discussion with my In-laws who recently had a two-day convention. They were so impressed with the CO's comment from the platform that "our loyalty is not to a work, or an organization but to Jehovah". They said that this gave them such a nice warm fuzzy feeling inside. I normally try not to enter into a JW discussion with them, but I just couldn't let this one go! I said that I couldn't understand how this CO could make a comment which implies that one could be loyal to God without being loyal to the WTS! I mentioned that the WTS repeatedly states that there is no separation in this regard. They quizzed me as to where I had read such a doubt believing it to have come from some "apostate" source. To their shock, I listed off three recent WT articles as mentioned above.

    They have been so brainwashed, that to them, hearing the phrase "Trust in God" is the exactly the same as hearing "Trust in the Organization" but they don't even realize it!!!


  • waiting

    Alright, James. What gives here? Who are you? You're just too damned good to be a brand new poster............or you have marvelous insight to the WTBTS. Where'dja git it? (southern usa, btw)

    This is a fascinating thread - and I'm hardpressed to keep up with you (which isn't that unusal, btw) - but my point're good.

    Perhaps a little background on you? Again, Welcome to our forum - and I CERTAINLY hope you stick around.

    I had lunch with an attorney & a Methodist minister Sunday, trying to explain the mindwrap the WT does on it's followers. From no bikini underwear to no blood. But they couldn't understand our first new love, then acceptance, then just braindead.

    There's just so many damned little things they did to color our perception....and it works.

    Thank you - would like to continue with this thread.


  • Pathofthorns

    Great thread!! Been enjoying this one James.... Rebel you are cracking me up!


  • waiting

    The conformity.

    Because we were a "unified people" - then it seemed to follow that we would look alike. Actually, in the usa, we were supposed to look like lower, middle class white people with blue collar jobs & education. The different cultures were slowly blended until there were no different cultures. Just blah. Not too much gold or polyester.

    It was always interesting to see pictures from International Assemblies where people wore tradional dress or costumes from their respective countries - and it was applauded. But in local congregations, relaxed traditional dress of different nations is not allowed. Suits & ties, dresses with stockings & heels were to be worn. Period. Hats were permitted, but *slightly* frowned upon - only the brave (or black) sisters would wear them.

    We were supposed to have vehicles & homes the same way. Our *regular* language was the same drabness. All slang or common terms were "frowned upon" as "too worldly." *Big* words weren't really frowned upon.....but we were to use language that everyone understood - thus, not too many big words. Good point about dumbing down - and throwing the blame onto children.

    We weren't to talk about gov., jobs, money, education, etc.,......which are things which make us unique to each other.

    We were Jehovah's Happy People. Thus, a happy face and attitude would be forced at all times. Sometimes, we were happy. When we weren't....we were *strongly encouraged* to fake it.

    lol..........we were actually quite boring, eh?


    Edited by - waiting on 17 December 2002 18:15:51

  • Jourles


    In case James doesn't post before I do --- We were both in the same hall for a little bit and he went to Bethel later on. That is most likely where his insight comes from. His family was also well known in the area as being spiritually strong.

  • waiting

    Cool beans...............

    And btw, that's a compliment. I said that in front of a sister about a month ago and she was aghast at my language!

    Obviously, she wouldn't hang around here, now would she?

    Thanks Jourles. I am enjoying this thread - and his insight is remarkable. Of course, I could have thought of that stuff............oh, who am I kidding. I'd never think of some of that stuff.

    Are you going to join this thread, Jourles? Ya know, you post Good Stuff too.

  • Farkel

    How about Knorr's little speech to the New Boys about how to urinate without touching "it", lest you be stimulated into wild masturbation whilst taking a whiz?

    Or the "suggestion" (really an order because no one dared disobey it) that everyone rise for the concluding comments at the assemblies? Hitlerism at its finest.

    And how about never, and I mean NEVER calling on a stranger in a meeting who just walked in off the street when s/he raised a hand? (Mustn't let "worldly" people ask any questions or make any comments.)

    Or, being asked why you aren't in your seat by some snot-nosed twenty-year-old wanna be Nazi at the Assemblies while you're a woman struggling to get three fussy children some water and a bathroom break? Glad one of those snot-nosed punks never asked me that, or I would have done something to regret.

    It's ALL about mind control. I got lotsa more.


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