You wrote, "The Bible ... should clarify and not obfuscate the nature of God." That is your opinion. However, I believe the Bible itself indicates that it was most likely meant to do both. To clarify God's nature to those whose hearts are inclined toward Him and to obfuscate His nature to those whose hearts are inclined against Him.
This seems quite likely when we remember that Jesus Christ Himself is the God of the Bible. He is not just the God of the New Testament but He was in fact also the great "I Am" of the Old Testament. (John 8:58) How does keeping this fact in mind help us to see that the Bible was most likely written to both clarify and obfuscate the nature of God? By remembering how Jesus taught. Mark tells us that whenever Jesus spoke to crowds of people which contained both His friends and His enemies, "He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own disciples he explained everything. " (Mark 4:34) Why did Jesus speak in parables? Why did He go to all the trouble of telling such often hard to understand stories to crowds which gathered to hear Him speak? Was the purpose of the parables to help all who listened to Jesus come to clearly understand the deep things of God? No, it was not. In fact often Jesus' purpose in speaking the way that He did was just the opposite. Jesus told His disciples, "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that though seeing they may not see and though hearing they may not understand." (Luke 8:10, see also Mt. 13:10-15)
Jesus understood that many of His listeners had hearts hardened against Him, and from such people, through the use of parables, He deliberately withheld "the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God." He did so by incorporating into those parables elements which He knew His enemies would find fault with or stumble over.
Now, remember, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Heb. 13:8) Is it any wonder then that God caused the Bible to be written in the same way that He, as Jesus Christ, spoke to audiences which contained both His friends and His enemies? Remember, He did so in a way that would give His enemies opportunity to find fault and His true disciples opportunity to gain "the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God." And the Bible's audience is made up of the same kinds of people who listened to Jesus' parables, is it not? And since the entire Bible was inspired by the speaker of those parables, it makes sense that the entire Bible would be written in the same way that Christ's parables were spoken. In a way that would give some the opportunity to find fault or stumble and others the opportunity to learn "the secrets of the kingdom of God."