Is There Hope for My JW Family?

by Robdar 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    I am pleased to report that there is! I just got off the phone with a JW family member who is sending me a CHRISTMAS PRESENT!

    They (I am keeping their gender a secret to protect their identity) didn't go so far as to wish me a merry Christmas but they did tell me that they are mailing it tomorrow and that they hope that I get it in time for Christmas.

    I am about to cry, I am so excited. I just had to share my good news.



  • Mulan

    Wow! That is wonderful.

    My JW mother has given me birthday presents for several years now. She is pretty devoted and a real true believer, but she has always felt birthdays were okay.

    A few months ago, she said if she celebrated Christmas she would have a BIG tree and would put in in the front window, "right there", pointing to my big window. I was open mouthed, shocked! (she's 90, so I cut her some slack.............but not always) I think she felt very left out on Saturday, when the entire family was at Princess' Christmas party and she wasn't.

  • Brummie
    JW family member who is sending me a CHRISTMAS PRESENT!


    There IS hope!

    Who knows they may join us on JWD one day....1 day at a time though huh!

    Great news for christmas!


  • onacruse
    Change begets change. Nothing propagates so fast. If a man habituated to a narrow circle of cares and pleasures, out of which he seldom travels, step beyond it, though for never so brief a space, his departure from the monotonous scene on which he has been an actor of importance would seem to be the signal for instant confusion. . . . The mine which Time has slowly dug beneath familiar objects is sprung in an instant; and what was rock before, becomes but sand and dust. Charles Dickens

    Robyn (and Mulan too), whatever you have been doing, you have been doing well!

    And so yes, there is always Hope.

    Craig (of the "hopeful too" class)

  • jgnat

    Concerned Mama observed yesterday that xJW's really love celebrating the holidays we take for granted. You are great examples for us all not to take these little things for granted.

    Thanks for sharing the true spirit of Christmas.

  • Robdar


    I just realized that this means that I do not have to wait til the day after Christmas to give them their Christmas present! WOOOHOOO! Hey, and I can wrap it more giving them an unwrapped gift! I am so happy, y'all.


  • meadow77

    That makes me soil my shorts to hear, I am so happy for you!!!!!

    It gives me hope that there is hope for my fam. I finally found a way to works the silentlambs into a conversation. They had never heard of it. I love sowing seeds of thought. Congrats Ro

  • PopeOfEruke

    Robdar, great news!

    I just hope it won't be a "My Book Of Bible Stories" when you unwrap it! Heaven forbid.....


  • Robdar
    just hope it won't be a "My Book Of Bible Stories" when you unwrap it! Heaven forbid.....


    Now that is funny! Heaven forbid, indeed!

    I already know what they got me and it ain't that. *Asking others to join me in my happy dance*



  • Athanasius

    That is great news, Robyn. It won't be long and you will all be celebrating Christmas together. That is what happened in my family. Christmas becomes very special to us because of all the Christmas days we missed while in the Watch Tower. Merry Christmas Robyn.


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