OK folks the End is near. Sodom and Gomorrah.

by James Mixon 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    The reality show "Dating Naked". So the young lady said to the guy when they

    first met, wow must you look straight at my you know what.

    Are they running out of ideas for reality shows????

    How many of you could go on a blind date without a stitch of garb.

    I thought the 60's and 70's was bad but this is getting out of hand.

    I must say it leaves nothing for the imagination on a nude date.LOL

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Are they running out of ideas for reality shows????

    Let's hope so

  • SecretSlaveClass
    Some people will do anything for five minutes of fame, even if it makes them look like fools, perverts, racist pigs or the world's worst parents. In a nutshell - the dregs of sociey.
  • username
    I've never watched reality shows they bore me! car crash tv at its best.
  • freemindfade

    I don't think sex and nudity are a reason for god to burn us all with fire...

    But the advent of reality shows by itself might be lol

    I for one remember the original. "The real world" now I'm sick of all the crap "reality" shows. They may rott people's brains as much as religion. Hell I have friends who were on Mob Wives.

    Reality TV itself is a great sin

    Nudity? Well that's just awesome, my American bothers and sisters are such epic prudes lol

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    I have a idea for a reality show, seven people on a boat with a small

    zoo for a year.

  • Vidiot

    freemindfade - "I don't think sex and nudity are a reason for god to burn us all with fire... but the advent of reality shows by itself might be..."


  • SecretSlaveClass
    FMF I completely agree in every respect regarding reality TV.
  • DJS


    "Nudity? Well that's just awesome, my American bothers and sisters are such epic prudes."


  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    is there a link to that programme ?

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