ONE pedophile and TWO victims per Congregation

by Marvin Shilmer 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    "Sadly, though, most [pedophiles] go unpunished by authorities today. In Australia, for example, it has been estimated that only 10 percent of offenders are prosecuted, and few are convicted. Other lands have had a similar record. While governments may be able to do little to protect the Christian family, the application of Bible principles can do far more."--Awake, published by Watchtower, October 2002, p. 11.

    So what has Watchtower application of biblical principles resulted in?

    See: ONE pedophile and TWO victims per congregation.

    And, since Watchtower brought up Australia, in Australia the Watchtower organization did not report a single instance of more than 1,000 reported pedophiles.

  • Sail Away
    Sail Away
    Sadly, my experience says this is accurate.
  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    I recall more than 10 years ago when Bill Bowen claimed an inside source at Watchtower headquarters knew of a database containing the names of about 24,000 child molesters on file. As I recall this report was met with outrage and suspicion.

    Since then Watchtower has claimed in legal documents that if it was compelled by authorities to share its data collection of alleged and known cases of sexual molestation of children it "would be forced to defend themselves against claim after claim originating from the different corners of the nation during the past twenty years."

    More recently Australia's Royal Commission compelled Watchtower to hand over its files on reported sexual molestation of children from within the nation of Australia. The numbers are staggering. Those numbers show for the period of 1984 through 2014 there were 799 cases submitted by Jehovah's Witnesses to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia of individuals with standing in the religion reported to have sexually molested a child/children. These 799 cases represent 1480 victims. Based on the average number of congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses in Australia, this means on average every congregation had at least one child molester with approximately two victims each.

    We know Watchtower headquarters has a database of reported child molesters in the ranks of Jehovah's Witnesses because they admit to it in court documents. The keeping of such reports is confirmed by the release of documents to the Royal Commission by Watchtower's Australian branch, and this release also demonstrates a level of reported child molesters among Jehovah's Witnesses that far exceeds what Bill Bowen originally reported.

  • Scully

    Those seem to be the ones that were reported, both abusers and victims.

    I have to wonder how many remain unreported, given statistics that claim that [t]he average pedophile molests 260 victims during their lifetime.

    I'm thinking in terms of District Conventions™ and Regional Conventions™ and Circuit Assemblies™ where these individuals can experience a target-rich environment, where JW parents and their children feel that they are in a safe environment, and are more likely to be trusting of other individuals in attendance, even when they are not personally acquainted.

    It's terrifying to imagine my nieces and nephews in these environments, knowing that in my country, there are at least 400 known JW paedophiles (this was reported to me by someone with relevant knowledge, in approximately 2003). With approximately 40 Regional Conventions™ this summer, that means there could be 10 child molesters at each one, cruising around the venues and hunting for naïve children and their families to groom.

  • Dumplin

    148,040 victims over the period of 1975-2014. one molester/cong...holySH*T Batman!!!

    Before following your research into this, Marvin, I had in the back of my mind - MAYBE 100k but no more than 110k victims (just 'shootin' from the hip') but 148,040 victims over the period of 1975-2014 - Unbelievable!!

    Wt makes it sound like pedophilia is their top priority in that 2002 article. But the truth is they have excerbated the problem with their cover up policies. Thankfully, the ARC has taken a stand now and said: "YOUNG LIVES MATTER"!

    Child abuse is a matter that should be addressed by governments in every country all over the world. The ball is rolling now and over time it will have an effect. The shallow discourse of WT and others like them is being overshadowed by public demand now.

  • Dumplin
    and I also wanted to say thanks for your work and research into this Marvin!
  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer
    The shallow discourse of WT and others like them is being overshadowed by public demand now.

    I see the public demand happening in Australia over what Watchtower has done with reports of child molestation. My hope is that the same scrutiny occurs in other societies, communities and nations.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I see the public demand happening in Australia over what Watchtower has done with reports of child molestation. My hope is that the same scrutiny occurs in other societies, communities and nations. .. ..

    . .. . and "lands," please don't forget the "lands." 😉

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