1. Do you think that your church's interpretation of the bible is the undisputed "right" interpretation? (i.e. you "get" what God is saying in the bible, whereas other types of Christians don't?)
2. Do you find yourself shouting praises at inappropriate times? (e.g. AMEN! and JESUS IS LORD!)
~Bahahahaha! No.
3. If you answered "yes" to the above, has this happened during sex? (with your marriage mate, of course! You are not an evil fornicator!)
~I am too an evil fornicator! Well...I was. I married him. And no.
3. Do you think that those who do not accept your version of Christ are "going to hell"? (bonus: have you told them they're going to hell? extra bonus: whilst foaming at the mouth?)
~No. No. No. I'm usually the one who gets condemned to hell.
4. Do you have a fish symbol on your vehicle? (bonus: do you wave emphatically at others who have fish symbols on their vehicles?)
~No. I wave, but it's generally just two fingers. (One to Americans.)
5. Do you attend church more than once a week?
6. Do you say the word "devil" (or alternatively "Satan") more than once a day?
~Only when addressing my two puppies, Spawn of Satan and Devil's Advocate, respectively.
7. Do you find yourself clapping hysterically when music plays?
~No, but a little slinky, suggestive dancing goes a long way.
8. Do you use circular reasoning? (explanation: "The bible is true because God inspired it to be written....God is real because the bible tells us so....the bible is true because God inspired it to be written...."etc.)
~You mean pretzel logic? No.
9. Are you anti- harry potter?
~Only because it was a rubbish film. I've never read the books...I prefer Lord of the Rings.
10. Do you have at least two friends who wear sandals with white socks?
~My friends are very fashion conscious. No.
IF you answered YES
10+ times. You are a fundamentalist. This means you are one annoying A*shole. It is recommended you try THINKING. Oh, and you do not have all the answers you Pr*ck.
5+ times. BEWARE. You are seriously becoming as closed minded as the true Fundie. Practise the following mantra 3 times a day "I can respect those of other faiths, I can possibly be wrong". If that doesn't work, shut the F**k up because we don't wanna hear your crap.
1+ times. Wake up and smell the coffee, then leave that church before its too late. If you don't belong to a church, well....good. Keep it up!
Erm....I didn't answer yes to any of them.