ARE YOU a FUNDIE? (quiz)

by Sirona 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wolfgirl

    1. Do you think that your church's interpretation of the bible is the undisputed "right" interpretation? (i.e. you "get" what God is saying in the bible, whereas other types of Christians don't?)


    2. Do you find yourself shouting praises at inappropriate times? (e.g. AMEN! and JESUS IS LORD!)

    ~Bahahahaha! No.

    3. If you answered "yes" to the above, has this happened during sex? (with your marriage mate, of course! You are not an evil fornicator!)

    ~I am too an evil fornicator! Well...I was. I married him. And no.

    3. Do you think that those who do not accept your version of Christ are "going to hell"? (bonus: have you told them they're going to hell? extra bonus: whilst foaming at the mouth?)

    ~No. No. No. I'm usually the one who gets condemned to hell.

    4. Do you have a fish symbol on your vehicle? (bonus: do you wave emphatically at others who have fish symbols on their vehicles?)

    ~No. I wave, but it's generally just two fingers. (One to Americans.)

    5. Do you attend church more than once a week?


    6. Do you say the word "devil" (or alternatively "Satan") more than once a day?

    ~Only when addressing my two puppies, Spawn of Satan and Devil's Advocate, respectively.

    7. Do you find yourself clapping hysterically when music plays?

    ~No, but a little slinky, suggestive dancing goes a long way.

    8. Do you use circular reasoning? (explanation: "The bible is true because God inspired it to be written....God is real because the bible tells us so....the bible is true because God inspired it to be written...."etc.)

    ~You mean pretzel logic? No.

    9. Are you anti- harry potter?

    ~Only because it was a rubbish film. I've never read the books...I prefer Lord of the Rings.

    10. Do you have at least two friends who wear sandals with white socks?

    ~My friends are very fashion conscious. No.


    IF you answered YES

    10+ times. You are a fundamentalist. This means you are one annoying A*shole. It is recommended you try THINKING. Oh, and you do not have all the answers you Pr*ck.

    5+ times. BEWARE. You are seriously becoming as closed minded as the true Fundie. Practise the following mantra 3 times a day "I can respect those of other faiths, I can possibly be wrong". If that doesn't work, shut the F**k up because we don't wanna hear your crap.

    1+ times. Wake up and smell the coffee, then leave that church before its too late. If you don't belong to a church, well....good. Keep it up!

    Erm....I didn't answer yes to any of them.

  • Sirona
    My experience has led me to conclude that the Christian perspective is the one that best suits me. However, my faith does not lead me to tell others that they are WRONG. We each are responsible for our own chosen course in life. My friends and associates range from Christian to Pagan. Normally, the only time I am interested in discussing my faith is if someone asks me a question. Converting the world is not the Great Commission as I see it.

    Marcos, this tells me that you are not a "Fundie" as far as I can see. I class fundies as the ones who think they're right and everyone else is wrong.


  • Sirona

    Vivamus, if you are an EVIL fornicator then you may deduct 10 points from your score - fornication cancels out all the other "yes's"

    Wolfgirl - your result is therefore

    If you scored 0

    WOOOHOOO! You escaped the fundies. Celebrate!!!!! (just don't forget..."you is a freeend of the deeeminz and ye shall be judged!")


  • LittleToe

    So, do I count as a borderline Fundie/Liberal because I go to church more than once a week, and I have at least two crossbearing friends who aren't Christians?

    Other than that, I have to answer all the questions in the negative.

    I think that the Fundiemeter should be calibrated to the amount of spittle on an individuals foam flecked lips. That would probably give us a better idea of who we are categorising, here.

  • Sirona

    Little toe,

    You are NOT fundie! I know, because I have met you. So you go to church more than once a week, well good for you! If you answered NO to the rest then you passed the test.


  • Marcos


    Marcos, this tells me that you are not a "Fundie" as far as I can see. I class fundies as the ones who think they're right and everyone else is wrong.

    Thanks for your reply. Here's a broad, sweeping generalization for you. I was educated in the US and (maybe it is just me but) often feel awed by the way people in the UK use our (common) language. You all have such a cool way of turning a phrase. So, I was just a little concerned about receiving a well-worded put down.

    Truth is, I hate it when people are condescending. By this I refer to many of the "born-agains" who do act in a superior way toward any and all who do not share their particular take on Christianity. When someone asks me, "Have you been born again and do you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior?" I think, "Oh great, ANOTHER pushy, self-rightious jerk."

    My realationship, or lack thereof, is my business. It is between my Savior and me. I try not to be intrusive and I do not like being intruded on. I dislike cult-type thinking even if it is a so-called "Christian" cult.

    So in what I perceive to be the spirit of your quiz, I guess I do not fit the classification of a "Fundie".

    Thank you for your reply to my post.


  • SwedishChef

    My foundation is not built upon a particular church, what I do stand on is the Word of God. What makes me a fundamentalist is just this - not that list of insults showing nothing but the ignorance of the person posting it. My sole authority is the Bible. response to your question about homosexuality - ever hear of the story of Sodom and Gomorra? Ever read Romans chapter one?
    Romans 1:25,27 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

    If anyone has any questions concerning salvation and the Bible, feel free to e-mail me.

    Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"
    Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
    John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
    1 John 5:12 "He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life."
    Matthew 4:17 "From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
    Romans 10:13 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

  • DanTheMan

    Swedish Chef, I think that Paul was, for the most part, an idiot. When I was in the WT, I can't even tell you how tired I got of looking up 2nd Corinthians this and Romans that and Timothy the other. Paul never claimed inspiration, at one point (I'm not going to bother looking up chapter and verse) he said that what he was saying was his own opinion.

    Jesus said NOTHING about homosexuality. NOTHING!!!! NOTHING WHATSOEVER!!!!!

    And according to fundies like you he was God Almighty in the flesh - right?? If God Almighty manifested Himself in the flesh and preached for people for 3 years and if this God felt that the practice of homosexuality was the most vile and corrupt practice a person could possibly engage in (which is how fundies and Jerhover's Witlesses seem to view it) THEN WHY DIDN'T HE SAY SO????????

    Seems to me that Jesus was concerned more about love and kindess.

    Oh, how saying something like that must clang in the ears of a fundie!!! Talking about love and kindness, only wimpy liberal Christians do that!!

    You're not a real Christian if you don't have blood in your eyes and ice in your heart!!

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    You forgot to meantion;

    Do you think Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson spend all there time talking to God?


  • Vivamus
    Vivamus, if you are an EVIL fornicator then you may deduct 10 points from your score - fornication cancels out all the other "yes's"

    YEAH! I'm not a Fundie!

    *dances around the room*

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