New Years eve is coming up soon, and Dede and I plan to party hard. This will be are first New Year that we will not worry about being seen in public. Lord help the state of Louisiana!!! How will yall ring in the New Year?
New Years eve
by WildTurkey 10 Replies latest jw friends
Last year we had a party with some friends that didn't have any plans, sort of an impromptu thing. I made lobster bisque with parmesan puff pastry crackers, steaks and lobster tails and tons of champagne. Oh, my favorite, creme brulee for dessert. Before cooking the lobsters, we let them crawl on the floor much to the terror of the little kids. After the kids all passed out from playing, We adults ;played cards, danced to some good music and had a good, simple evening at home. This year, I'm going to ditch the apron and go out on the town and tear it up!
Have lots of fun, create some wicked memories!
Hopefully we will do what we did last year. The "partying" in public things gotten kind of old, so last year my hubby & I bought a TON of seafood and wine. Put the little one to bed at a decent hour then spent the evening having a candlelight dinner & then enjoying our xmas tree all lit up w/no friends or family around - we even unplugged the phone. After all the fun & visiting with friends & family over the xmas holiday, we loved seeing in the new year with our best friend - each other (alone & no interruptions).
Big Tex
Wow W.T., you guys have a lot more energy than Cruzan and I do. Have a drink for me! I've got the night off and we're planning our family tradition.
See, the first year we were married I was working nights then (like now) and my brand new bride greeted me on New Year's Eve with a bottle of wine and 2 lobster tails. So that started a tradition. Every New Year's Eve since, we've added one thing to our "feast". We've got lobster, wine, prime rib, shrimp, crab, various cheeses, homemade bread, vichyssoise, and for dessert chocolate dusted with cinnamon. Now it's become a real family treat as we're letting the kids in on it, so we've added Goldfish, crackers and chicken nuggets to the rotation. They don't stay up much past 11:00 p.m., so we still get some quiet time.
Big Tex is sneaky too. When he decides it's time for the kids to go to bed, he turns the TV to the History channel. They are usually out in five minutes.
Mmmm, I can taste that smoked tenderloin already!
Nina, of the I'll-Exercise-Tomorrow Class
I have a few idea of what I would like to do,,,,,, we probably will start the night off at our favorite hang out and dance a bit. I would then like to go , before midnight of course,,,,,, to the riverfront(red river) and stand on one of the river boats to watch the fireworks. They are truly beautiful on the river ,,,,,and the smells of the city , of the food vendors, the wonderful food the boats serves , the atomosphere of night, will all make it so wonderful.
It will be just Wild and me,,,,,,, even thou there may be others around. We have alot to be thankful for this year and I want to make a vow to make 2003 the best year ever........ sealed with a kiss.
We have truly learned alot, not just things about JW, ourselves, kids, but about our future and what we want out of it.
We both want 2003 to be the year to set our roots firmly in the ground, buy another home, plan for retirement,,,,,,,,,,,,, I want to be comfortable with my old man , as we rock in those rocking chairs.
Here's to the New Year,,,,,,,,,,,,, cheers everyone...................hugs, Dede
It will be just Wild and me,,,,,,, even thou there may be others around
yeah a bunch of drunk nude folks... lol
want to make a vow to make 2003 the best year ever........ sealed with a kiss.
this means someone will be having sex, hope its me!!!!!
I want to be comfortable with my old man
I will not get old!
Im glad i have you for another year dede I hope all my friends here have a good New Year
So not many of us will be getting wild this New Years eve
i have my own little new year's eve tradition too. i get really drunk.
good times!
LyinEyes and WildTurkey sounds like the two of you are just perfect for one another and are deeply in love. I love it. Bless the two of you. I am jealous of the two of you being able to be along the river and the riverboats and watch the fireworks welcoming in the new year. Marco and I love seafood and champagne the kind we had at our wedding it was delicious. Love Louisana Boil and lobster. Yummy Yummy. And of course the little party you'll have afterwards. Isn't life wonderful? I love it
Edited by - orangefatcat on 17 December 2002 18:58:21