OJ makes me sick

by hannibal 46 Replies latest social physical

  • waiting


    In addition to using the "N" word multiple times, he lied on the stand and claimed that he didn't. Witnesses can be impeached by demonstrating the falsehood of their testimony as well as demonstrating bias. Here, not only did he lie, but he also used racial slurs, so the jury was correct in disregarding his testimony. - 144

    Well, that would be your opinion on whether the jury was "correct" or not. From what you wrote earlier, the jury had "the freedom" to disregard any witness who lied - in any part of his testimony. However, then it would stand to reason that they had "the freedom" to accept any witness who lied also.

    It would seem that the jury did disregard this police officer. But that doesn't make the jury correct. It just means they exercised their freedom to disregard. They could have still made an incorrect judgement by disregarding him.

    Exactly what is your living within the legal profession? I make my living outside the legal professional, btw.


  • bigboi

    I've never understood why ppl get so riled up over OJ Simpson. Rich ppl get off for criminal offenses all the time. It happened before OJ and is still happening after him. What happens just as often and is a true tragedy is ppl getting put away for crimes they didn't commit, like those five teenagers who were coerced into confessing to the rape of that NYC medical student. Stuff like that happens everyday in this country, yet what draws the ire and attention of everyone is bunch of rich caineheads, whose lives probaby didn't resemble that of any ordinary Americans.

  • heathen

    Waiting - that is such a good point to make .It kinda reminds me of the jesus trial where the jews released a murderer only to further their own personal agenda. The jury was mostly black ,so go figure this one out.

  • plmkrzy
    Furhman chose to enter OJ's property all alone, despite the existence of ample time to obtain a search warrant and a lack of real evidence

    except the blood of OJ he carried with him in case he needed to plant it in the house while OJ was in Chicago cutting his hand after hearing the news of his beloved wife..

  • 144thousand_and_one


    Nice attempt to misrepresent my earlier post. I won't respond. Apparently, you learned well at the kingdom hall.

  • 144thousand_and_one


    You're right, the jury could have made an incorrect decision. If I sat on either jury, I would have agreed with the verdicts in both cases. Our system isn't perfect, incorrect verdicts are reached all the time. But it's the only system we've got, and overall, it's better than most others out there.

    Heathen, you're right about your freedom of speech to spout your racist views. I also have freedom of speech to tell you that bigots like you make me want to puke.

  • bigboi
    Waiting - that is such a good point to make .It kinda reminds me of the jesus trial where the jews released a murderer only to further their own personal agenda. The jury was mostly black ,so go figure this one out.

    That "jesus trial" you allude had nothing to do with the guilt or innocence of either of the two men involved. Especially since they both were already found guilty and were sentenced to die. Keep on posting your vague inaccuracies and empty rhetoric. Personal agendas? I could believe that if the jury was entirely composed of black ppl. However, you need a unanimous decision for a guilty verdict in a criminal trial. Even the jurors that didn't happen to be black could not look past the perjury and bias of Mark Furman.

  • Dia

    The real force behind the outcome of the OJ trial was not the weakness of the prosecution or the starry-eyedness of Judge Ito. Not even the fame and wealth of OJ.

    It was the cold ruthlessness of Johnny Cochran.

    Honestly, that man scares me.

    Either he is truly evil. Or he is unfathomably clueless and at the same time, awesomely skilled.

  • LDH

    Let's remove the color qualifiers for a moment.

    Let's pretend OJ was not a celebrity.

    Let's pretend Nicole was not beautiful.

    What have you got?

    Another rich bastard who knows how to use his money to work the legal system.

    Why does this surprise you?

    Don't you know this is happening DAILY? Nicole Brown shouldn't become the poster child for abused women being murdered. Most of the abused women who are murdered by someone they know have NEVER lived a life of privilege in Brentwood. Most have never attended black tie functions with an NFL Hall of Fame inductee.

    Most are broken, sad little figures who are overlooked by our judicial system.

    Now THAT'S sad.


  • footprints


    In California if a jury finds two reasonable possibilities they must choose the one that proves the defendant not guilty. What many people, including some who work in the legal profession, do not understand is that there is no reasonable explanation that suggests that OJ did not do it. THEREFORE THERE IS NO REASONABLE DOUBT.
    The jury did not do their job and should probably be indicted for perjury. They proved false to the oath they took under threat of perjury

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