Letter From Bill Bowen

by Lin 131 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman


    With all due respect, IW, why don't you tell BB that yourself?

    I would but "BB" for some reason has decided not to post here anymore. Sorry for putting you in the middle.


  • RevMalk

    Yes, I agree, peace. Misunderstandings happen. Bill and I are very 'touchy' on the subject of Abuse within the Watchtower society (Abuse in general as a matter of fact). We're very passionate when it comes to all of this. Bill has put alot into silentlambs, and I put alot into the website, but the website among other things is an archive of the hard work Bill has accomplished WAY before I was around. So when he doesn't hear from me, and receives no response from my emails (because I'm not getting them, and he's not getting mine), he freaked. With good damn reason, the site appeared to be GONE. That's alot of hard work down the tubes, or so he thought at the time. I don't fault him, so I surely don't think anyone else should either. None of us are perfect. I also agree 100% with Bill on hiring an outside webmaster, and the more I think about it, the more I support that decision (not that he needs my support). The emotional ties that we have, coupled with the shear size of that site, and reading those stories posted there, and dealing with it day in and day out is enough to drive someone insane.

    Thank you Bill for clarifying things publicly, only an honorable man would have done so. And thank you all for understanding how these things can happen, and please go about your business, there's nothing to see here (haha, now I'm a cop).

    The bottom line is, we're all working hard on these things, we're all doing our part for one cause or another. There's not one of us here that isn't. So we are very adamant about our feelings, we're very open with our opinions. It doesn't make us bad, it makes us human. I have only one more thing to say about all this. I hope that we all learn something from it. No matter what happens, or who says what, or who has this opinion or that opinion......Please make sure you get the full story and check all sources. We shouldn't be here to fight with one another, we should be here to support one another.

  • Simon

    Bill can still post on here with either of his accounts but chooses not to. His choice.

    It is a shame that he is quick to smear and label people (making sure everyone reads it) without getting all the facts straight first. This happened over Ray Franz and now seems to have happened again with RevMalk.

    I know how painful it is to have mis-truths told about you; I get it all the time, but I have the benefit of having been running the forum for longer so I don't believe they do as much damage because people know me better. Some things, once said, are hard to 'forget' and it's not fair to put a cloud of doubt over somone.

    I really wish Bill would reconsider the direction he's taking. I just see more and more people being alienated from the whole thing - first people like Hillary_Step, Amazing and others over the Ray Franz thing and now some silentlambs themselves!

    ANY official communication made from 'Silentlambs' should be confirmed and verified for accuracy first (perhaps by more than one person?) and not watered down with personal messages or other non-related stuff. When you get messages about things and know they don't tally with the facts then it starts to affect your opinion of the credibility of the source. This is a real danger IMHO.

    I would hate to see all the hard, good work that Bill has done and what he has achieved so far be undermined by the odd misunderstanding.

  • Trauma_Hound

    Too bad simon you don't follow your own advice, considering instead of e-mailing me back, you posted publicly about an e-mail I sent you. For the record I apologized to simon.

  • NewLight2

    It seems to me that BB needs to watch where he puts his feet - ie - open mouth-insert foot--he needs to THINK before he opens his mouth (or writes).

    Impulsive ones end up regreting things that they say/write. A good rule to follow is to wait at least 24 hrs after the first mean-spirited thought comes to mind, before saying/writing anything negative about someone.


  • Trauma_Hound

    And those that live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones.

  • Prisca

    IMO, Island Woman shouldn't have been attacked like she was for asking a legitamate question. The way Lin in which posted the email was not clear as to who was speaking, her or Bill. Perhaps it would have been better if Lin started the thread with something like: "This is a copy of an email I have received from Bill Bowen, and I have his permission to post it."

    Secondly, until others verified that they had received the same email, who was to know if it really was from Bill? Not all of us know Lin that well. Apart from that, how was Lin to know if it was really was from Bill? It is possible for emails to be made to look as though they have come from a certain source.

    Again, Bill has shown his hot-headed nature. Again, Rev Malk has done his best to keep the peace. I hope for the sake of the abused silentlambs, peace will reign for alot longer than it has.

    Edited to remove name

    Edited by - angharad on 19 December 2002 9:29:9

  • Trauma_Hound

    Pot calling the Kettle black.

  • Prisca

    Are you talking to me, TH? And if so, what is your point?

  • NewLight2


    Your stew must be almost burnt to a crisp - you seem to STIR the pot so often in the "Black Kettle"!


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