Questions to ponder - Apostacy

by JoeSomebody 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

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    Hi again Joe,

    Thought I'd just point something out to you.

    There are some here (myself included) who think that its bad manners to start another thread whilst ignoring those who responded to your previous one.

    Just a thought. No hard feelings.


  • jgnat

    Joe, how would you distinguish an apostate from a hypocrite, a wicked person, and a sinner?

    I find the NWT uses the term apostate rather heavily. In the Hebrew scriptures many other translations use the term hypocrite. In the Greek scriptures, there are about six terms for wicked people and sinners, all with different meanings. Since these scriptures refer to people we should not associate with, I think it important that we make sure we are talking about the same thing.

    Jesus came for sinners, associated with sinners, and ate with sinners. Have you researched beyond what is written in the Reasoning book, Joe?

  • joenobody

    JoeSomebody... are you making a play on my nick?

  • joenobody

    I have a question for you Joe:

    Do you know the history of the organization that you belong to in the years before you joined? If you have not researched this (and this does NOT mean the Proclaimers book) then you have some dismaying and shocking revelations awaiting to you. If you are concerned about reading "apostate literature", I encourage you instead to only read the Society's publications. Feel free to read books such as "The Finished Mystery" and lots of old Watchtowers.

    Once you've done that, please reconsider your own question about what constitutes an "apostate".

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