Yes!!! We will see Jackson's face!
..........................................It Might Be Better If We Didn`t..
by OrphanCrow 65 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Yes!!! We will see Jackson's face!
..........................................It Might Be Better If We Didn`t..
defender of truth: Seeing as Mr Stewart listens to you and responds promptly, would you mind taking a look at the email I sent him.
I think that Mr. Stewart listens to everybody - I don't think I have a "special" line to him. Eh...for all I know, it could have been one of his assistants that responded to me! That seems the most likely - I am sure Mr. Stewart is really busy.
The links that you posted do contain information that the WTS does not "obey secular authorities" in matters of child abuse which is valuable in refuting what Spinks and others have claimed.
Has anyone else sent those links in? I don't want to waste the Commission's time with a repeat of information - it is somewhat off topic to what I have been commenting on about the hearing so far. I am going to pass on that for now and wait to see if someone else has already addressed that with the Commission.
If anyone does send the info in, though, it would be best just send the links with a brief description. Mr. Stewart has proven to be very competent in formulating questions and I would respectfully leave the questioning up to him if he felt the material was relevant.
I have a sense that the Commission does have that information - there have been many interested people who have sent information on to them.
So...has anyone sent those links?
Brandnew: You are very appreciated ORPHAN CROW.
Thank you. :) And I appreciate each and every one of you, too!
To Defender:
Yes, I think that's great, to point out Loesch's failure to appear. Your outline is well written, but I think that Mr. Stuart would streamline it a bit, and take out references to Jesus, unless forced to do so by Jackson's failure to 'connect the dots.'
I think Stuart will approach from a secular legal angle at first.
Of course he'll word it better, I thought I made that clear, but I lack common sense and social skills.. Plus haven't slept much.
Orphan Crow, please send those links, it could make all the difference and he may just think I'm a total madman (probably right).
This is our last shot at making a real difference (possibly).
The leaders have not set the example in 'obeying Caesar'. They must be held to account for it publically..
"OMG! I can't wait. I have this feeling it will bring some real healing and some closure. "Worldlies" have no idea what these people (the GB) symbolize to people in the organization (they're literally godheads in a way) and so actually seeing one of them being brought to task for criminal and inhumane policies, by secular authorities will be so incredibly powerful."
i dont mean to be a wet blanket but you are destined for disapointment. If, and i mean a big if, this spurs any change it wont be as a result of something jackson says. Theres not going to be a gotcha moment of satisfaction.
I have a sense that the Commission does have that information - there have been many interested people who have sent information on to them.
So...has anyone sent those links?
Understood. Hope you get a response to this soon.. There's only just over 24 hours left for him to read up and prepare. *bites fingernails*
I've been encouraging a lot of people (JW's) to watch this, it is vital Geoffrey is hit from every angle (so to speak).
Best wishes, OrphanCrow. You are one of the most valued members on here, I think. Take care of yourself :)
Morpheus: i dont mean to be a wet blanket but you are destined for disapointment. If, and i mean a big if, this spurs any change it wont be as a result of something jackson says. Theres not going to be a gotcha moment of satisfaction.
That could be, in the whole big picture.
However, at a personal level, it will be self-empowering just to see Jackson have to testify. It is affirmation that even the GB can be compelled to give testimony. They are not totally above the law.
As far as satisfaction goes, the level of satisfaction has already been pretty high for me personally. I don't think that I will be disappointed in the next part of the proceedings. I especially enjoy watching the women lawyers question the almighty JW men and making them squirm.
Satisfaction? Oh, yeah. I am already satisfied. It can only get better.
Theres not going to be a gotcha moment of satisfaction.....Morpheus
The WBT$ GB "ROCK STAR" Popes aren`t used to Taking Orders..
The moment the Video Camera is on Geoffrey Jackson..
...................The Australian Royal Commission Can Say..
"Village Idiot
"I understand the statement to mean that Jackson will attend the RC to testify in person, and the proceeding will be viewable on line for the world to watch."
I hope so.
It is affirmation that even the GB can be compelled to give testimony. They are not totally above the law.
An important point, although I would clarify that they are not at all above the law.
It is empowering, just the thought of guys who are putatively the "highest" in JW-world, the last stop before God himself, being compelled to answer questions put forth by <gasp!> a worldly organization, and even perhaps from a <shudder!> woman who <swoon> has more authority than they do in that setting.