Watchtower says "BEAT your CHILDREN!"
by UnDisfellowshipped 35 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
johnny cip
to all the ones saying the wt stopped teaching jw's to beat children at the hall
and this is 50 yrs old.. well just 10 years ago when my brothers were made to go to the hall , they would come home many times with red faces or bruises because they were not perfect angels at the meetings. dad smacked us mostly at the hall.. mom not a jw would fight with him about this ansd say we didn't have to go to the hall. if mom didn't let the kids go next week , dad wouldn't give mom money for groceries till she let the kids go .. this went on one time for @ a month and we would be eating rice and pasta every day. while dad would come home with a steak, and say see if you come to the hall you can eat steak too! you want to talk about SICK REASONING... i never had a big problem with getting a smack or smacking my kids when they are very bad.. but for not sitting straight like little ZOMBIES at the hall .well that sucked,,,, john
Johnny Cip,
I'm sorry to hear that.
amac said:
[The Watchtower] did NOT teach people to "beat their children"
I beg to differ:
The Watchtower March 1st 1955 Issue, Pages 135-136
"The literal use of the rod in punishing a child may sometimes be necessary"
----------------------------The Watchtower February 1st 1956 Issue, Page 95:
"Modern parents, in this age of delinquent youngsters, can take a lesson from the mother "teddy bear," the koala. When baby koalas "are really naughty," writes Ivan T. Sanderson in his new book Living Mammals of the World, "the mother turns them over her knee and spanks them on their bottoms for minutes on end with the flat of her hand, during which time their screams are soul-rending." "
----------------------------The Watchtower February 1st 1960 Issue, Page 80:
"...disobedience, stubbornness and fits of anger are the ways of sin and death, and they are bound up in your heart from your very birth. It you want to live under God's kingdom rule, these devilish hereditary tendencies must be forcefully rooted out and supplanted with godly qualities, and the parental rod of correction will help to do this.
I think Random Task makes some good points; I think that though the WTS may not be as 'explicit' in print as they used to be on this matter, there are reasons perhaps to believe they still basicaly support the 'older' view, and that in many areas jws still enforce those views.
And yes, societal attutudes in general has changed in this area too.
amac said:
Physical abuse was taught and openly practiced by many people up until recent decades. The WT has changed their view on this at about the same pace as most of US society. They did NOT teach people to "beat their children", they taught them to discipline their children with physical and negative punishment (which I disagree with), which is what the majority of people were doing at the time anyway. So when it comes to this topic, you should have as much contempt for the average american parent in the 50's and 60's as you do for the WT.
Well, the Watchtower teaches that they are God's Only Channel of Truth and that they have MUCH HIGHER moral standards than the "Worldly" people.
i am a good soul
Now a days, is it common for youths to suffer Corporal Punishment? Are 16-18 year olds still Spanked by the parents. How can they recomend that you beat your children. I just want to know.