In all the publications they always present both sides of the story in a logical and often scientific way. This makes you feel that you don't have to research further because you already know the other side.
so true indeed and since the avg jw is not a researcher like most folks are not, one does not know how to examine material in terms of looking up ref, quotes ,etc- if we saw the mag say Historians say or scienctist say, we never knew to see WHO ARE THESE PERSONS BEING QUOTED how are they viewed in their field of study, are they considered the best or crackpots- we never thought about it
i know some of the first things i read were the posting of jw who were researchers who went back to the Scienctic American publications to read the study done and get the WHOLE CONTEXT of the quotes and i was shocked when they put the whole article up on the net-
it is like walking in on the middle of a conversationa and here a man say "I was beating the He!! out of my Wife last night"
if that is all you heard and not the beginning or any explanation you would walk out saying
I never knew John abused Denise- when in fact he was telliing a story of what some guy said on "Benny Hill Show"
but you didn't get that part- and that is how it was in wt we got bits and pcs