What will the WT become? (Sort of a Survey)

by Marcos 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Marcos

    I have been out for a long time. To give you an idea of how long, the concept of not offering subscriptions anymore is news to me!

    As they continue consolidating and down-sizing, what affect do you all think this will have on individual witnesses and on their organization as a whole? As I have stated before, I know that many of the "brothers" are nice, sincere people. But in the light of Jamestown, the group who commited mass suicide in San Diego, and the Dravidians; where are the JWs headed?

    Personally, I think that the mass-suicide concept is probably not a viable scenario. But, what is likely? Isolationism seems to lead in a couple of distinct directions: Japan and N. Korea are examples. Just my idea.

    Japan developed and refined their culture. A lot of neat things and a lot of not so good things. North Korea seems (according to reports) pretty much all bad. Just my take on it.

    What do you think?


  • SPAZnik
    As they continue consolidating and down-sizing

    I "heard" that the reason they stopped offering subscriptions wuz not downsizing or consolidating,
    but so that if the gov't asked about a list of names, they could say they didn't have one.

    What makes you say the JW's are consolidating and down-sizing?
    What makes you allude to mass-suicide? In my life-long experience with the dubs, suicide was always frowned upon.


  • Marcos

    Hi Spaz,

    What makes you say the JW's are consolidating and down-sizing?

    I am just seeing a lot of posts regarding moving facilities and the new "closedness" to people. They used to really push the subscriptions (I worked for a time on the wrapping machine that folded and addressed the mags). I also refer to the possible sale of properties in Brooklyn. It is difficult to sort out rumor from fact at this point and I have been out of the loop for so long that many of the actions that they have taken (especially being so suspicious about letting anyone not a witness get their literature) leave me wondering.

    What makes you allude to mass-suicide? In my life-long experience with the dubs, suicide was always frowned upon.

    Suicide was always frowned upon. I assume it still is. I use it as an extreme example of the course many cults have taken to either make a statement or to show how different they are. Many have commented on what looks to me like a tendency toward more isolationism among the witnesses.

    I do not think or hope for such a thing. I am just wondering what the WT will look like in 1 year or 5 or 10.


  • hybridous

    What will the WT become in the next 5 or 10 years? The best I can hope for is....


    What Jehovah, the Almighty God of the Universe(s) needs with billions of dollars...i can't figure out.

  • metatron

    In a byzantine organization like this one, the real reasons for doing things
    get confused and rationalized.

    They dumped food service at assemblies because it became a financial disaster.
    People at large conventions like Vet's Stadium in Phila. grabbed piles of food
    without paying - it was perceived as 'free'. Likewise, putting up contribution boxes
    like an obstacle course around the food lines at Assembly Halls didn't work either.
    Result: they dumped food service and told the 'sheeple' that it was to be "unified
    with our brothers" in other countries who lacked food service.

    They dumped printing and binding of many hardbound books because they were more
    expensive to produce than cheap magazines and contributions weren't coming in like
    they used to. They figured out , down to the penny, how much paperbacks would save.
    I knew about this figuring direct from the factory pressroom.

    They dumped subscriptions to save money - and rationalized that this would "encourage
    meeting attendance" - to pick up your magazines. It might also pump up return visits

    They are shutting down printing, binding and shipping in Brooklyn. A new addition
    will be constructed in Wallkill to move some printing there.

    If you have ANY DOUBT about the Watchtower's drive to save
    money, just read the Oct.28 letter about printing changes sent to all congregations.
    SAVING MONEY is emphasized again and again therein ( as I pointed out in a previous
    post, with quotes).

    Don't be confused by 'hopeful lies' you hear - they carefully guard their phoney
    image of Divine Backing - even while downsizing - a word, I will add, that Bethel
    doesn't like people to use!


  • Elsewhere

    • They will continue to become more financially strapped
    • They may start asking for "promised donations" - "I promise to donate X amount every month to the world wide work"
    • They will require more "obedience"
    • They will continue to clean the congregation of anyone who questions the organizations teachings.
    • They will continue to loose people through DFing and DA's
    • They will continue to gain people who are broken through DFing and who are emotionally positioned to be taken advantage of
    • They will continue to gain people who need "direction" (rules) and who are prone to black and white thinking
    • Teachings which cannot be proved or disproved by empirical means will become more common (No more hard dates will be given - but the end is any time now )
    • They will continue to have one scandal after another requiring them to scramble to fix the problem as a last resort to prevent major defections and lawsuits. (i.e. They are now scrambling to train special elders to preside over JCs involving sexual abuse and work with the authorities - while still insisting on "confidentiality" from all parties involved )

    There are plenty of people out there who "need" to be dominated and told what to do. So long as people like this exist the JWs will exist.

    The few intelligent people who are born into it will either be broken by the system and will sit idly aside while the flock is beaten by the more dominant and harsh elders, or will leave. Either way, the abuse will continue.

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    You may scoff at the notion of mass suicides, and I'm not saying I see ANY evidence that the WTS would promote the idea. But you must remember that nothing, and I repeat NOTHING is too absurd to be foisted upon the rank and file members of the organization. Sure, their view of suicide today is against it, but with a little "new light" tweaking of some vague scripture, they could pull it off. The scripture wouldn't even have to have anything to do with suicide. They could take the account of Abraham being asked to sacrifice his son and twist it to mean that obedience to God through his faithful and discreet slave must be complete obedience. I could see many miserable JW's being willing to take the gas pipe for the borg.

    Also, remember that this is the same organization that has convinced many parents that they should withhold blood transfusions and allow their children to die, than to risk offending jobergod.

  • Elsewhere

    remember that this is the same organization that has convinced many parents that they should withhold blood transfusions and allow their children to die, than to risk offending jobergod
    That is a damned good point.
  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    When you think about how many JW's in the late 60's and early70's sold their homes and businesses and moved to serve where the "need was great", in preparation for 1975, then you begin to grasp just how gullible and obedient to the borg these people are. Of course in 1976 the Great and Powerful Oz told them they had run ahead of Jehovah's faithful and discreet slave. They were told that there was no such pronouncement about 1975.

  • TresHappy

    Hopefully Dorothy will throw water at the whole wicked Governing Body and they will melt into a puddle of nothing.

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