How have you rooted out the WT (harmful) doctrines

by Marcos 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marcos

    When I left the WT I basically never looked back. I decided that they would never again impact my life as they had in the past.

    Here is the problem in my case. After all these years, I have finally been faced with some situations that I had to react to and have seen that a lot of the old teachings were still influencing my decisions in life (ie. the blood issue). To be truthful, I have not had to face these issues before so I never really investigated, in depth, their implications in a "normal" life.

    I am beginning to realize that much of my behavior is still STRONGLY influenced by WT thinking.

    My question is, how have you confronted and rooted out ideas that might have affected your life in a negative of less than useful way? I see the need to research my beliefs and attitudes. I would just like to get some input regarding ways you all have dealt with these things.


  • SPAZnik

    I'm just starting this, so kinda at a similar place u r. It takes some study and analysis on a level that makes me sick to my stomach with flashbacks of studying as a JW. Goin' slow. Addressing one thing at a time.

    Many posters here have already posted much about how they did this.
    I've just started reading Amazing's posts. Good schtuff.


  • Marcos


    I swear you are following me! Every time I look at and answer one post, there you are with another comment!

    Seriously, I really appreciate your comments. And this topic is one that has been occupying me for a while now. I know that these things have almost certainly been covered before. But I am lazy. Also, today is a new day and I think (hope) that some of the posters here can provide some "new light" on the subject.

    See! There it is again! Can't seem to drop the theocratic jargon.


  • Kingpawn

    Even though I was an active JW for less than a year, I think, I still believed in many of their doctrines when I first came here (still do on a few).

    Fortunately I was never faced with any decisions on things relating to them that were literally life-and-death issues in the years since.

    Probably your best bet would be to use the "search" link above, type in keywords on topics you want to research, and go from there. On here you'll find both deeply researched articles and the stories of others who've had to make choices at some time or another. The "Quotes" link at the bottom of each page is another great resource.

    For me, seeing the differences between what they should be and what they are in practice made the change for me easier. Stories of how people who've left were treated, whether df'ed, da'ed, or the "fade-aways," and the arguments of posters here convinced me they were wrong. On some doctrines there are glaring errors.

    For example, on the blood issue, they quote Gen. 9:4 to support the idea of not taking blood. But as someone else pointed out, human blood isn't mentioned here. And an incident can be found in which some of Saul's men ate unblooded flesh, and there's no record they were punished for it by Jehovah Himself (1 Sam. 14:31-35).

    That little matter of being a UN whore for ten years, and the pedophilia issue and their handling of it, did away with any traces of respect I had for them and their doctrines.

    I don't know if this really answers your question or not. I'm sure others will answer and they'll likely be more helpful.

  • Gig

    Having never been a JW this may sound naive, but a place to start might be to consider anything and everything about the WT to be just like you once considered anything and everything outside the WT. If by chance the WT actually provided some good for you, I full well expect that same good to be available, if not considerably more so, away from the WT, so you don't miss out on anything. The world according to the WT is entirely black and white, us against them, good verses evil. Simply practice entirely reversing it. Again, whatever real truth exists at the WT is truth everywhere, so you don't stand to lose anything of value. Use the same method they taught you to obey them to reject them. Immediately block out anything WT related knowing full well that they're a bad association.

    Just one idea from just one person. I hope the best for you.

  • Marcos

    Thanks Kingpawn.

    As I spend more time here, I am checking out the previous threads. This is certainly a fine resource.

    One reason I started this thread was because there are so many of us here who are new. "Old" information to many of you can be new to many of us. Also, a new discussion sometimes seems to bring out even more useful information.

    I really appreciate your answer and look forward to many more!


  • ThiChi

    Man, I went through the same thing too. Ray Franz second book, In Search of Christian Freedom, helped me to understand the different viewpoints that can be considered when making your decision. Rays discussion on the blood topic and many other Jw-isms really helped me as a Jw.

  • Mary

    Well when I had my operation a while ago, they told me that there was the risk of bleeding during surgery. Without hesitation I made arrangements to donate my own blood for the surgery. Surprisingly, it didn't bother my conscience once I read on this site how it's now okay to accept "fractions" of blood from the Borg's "new light".

    I haven't gone out in Service ever since I realized that the 1914 doctrine was based on lies, and since I read CoC I've done my own research and drawn my own conclusions......yes, I've become an evil "independant thinker"!!!

    You have to take it slowly though........I was born into this religion and I've never known any other way of life. To simply drop everything all at once would have done irreparable damage to my psyche, of that I'm sure.

  • Marcos

    Gig and ThiChi,


    If by chance the WT actually provided some good for you, -Gig

    I agree with what you say. Truth is, my life is good. My values are solid and I HAVE discarded a lot of the bad stuff. Thing is, I just have started to notice how much the conditioning by the WT from an early age still affects my world-view. What is it the Jesuits say, "Give me a boy when he is 6 (or is it younger?) and he will be a Catholic for life"?

    A lot of the teachings that I have investigated are true. But, on the whole, there is so much that is wrong. They have "added" to the Bible and maintain a strong cult-type control over their people. They have done tremendous damage to (I believe) everyone who is associated with them as well as to people who have never been associated. It might well be that this de-programming may take a lifetime. The mind seems to be pretty complex and we often react to things in a way that surprises even us.

    For me, it is just that now, I am becoming aware of how deeply rooted many of their incorrect attitudes and judgements are in my world-view. I actually enjoy discovering these things. But. it seems to take great effort to change a belief. Logic and reason alone don't always do it. Remaining flexible and willing to examine your beliefs is a definite necessity. The process is fascinating.

    Man, I went through the same thing too. Ray Franz second book, In Search of Christian Freedom, helped me to understand the different viewpoints that can be considered when making your decision. Rays discussion on the blood topic and many other Jw-isms really helped me as a Jw. - ThiChi

    Ray Frantz' books are great. Problem is, when I first got copies I didn't really read them. My best friend did and loved them. He often spoke to me about things Ray said and it is due to him, my friend, that I gained a lot of understanding of the issues Ray presents.

    Problem at the time was that I knew Ray Frantz. We were not buddies. But I had met him and even sat at his table in the Bethel dining room (I'm pretty sure). When my friend started reading his books, I still wanted nothing to do with the Society. Moreover, from my viewpoint, Ray was "one of them". That is to say, he was one of the higher-ups in Bethel and I was just a drone. So I didn't really want to know much of what he said. I was suspicious.

    Who was it that said, "If you're not paranoid you're just not paying attention"? That was my approach as a young man.

    In Bethel, when I was there for my 4 years, the "real" Christians didn't mingle much with the drones unless you had some connections (ie. wealthy family). Honestly, I probably wouldn't have trusted Ray if he had noticed me. We felt abused and put-upon. Now, I am speaking of the people who I knew who were just there to work. It is more likely that Ray was always genuine and trustworthy. But. because of my social position, I wouldn't have bought it. My loss.

    Sorry to go on and on. But, I'm using you guys. You are giving me a lot of really good ideas and directions.


  • Skeptic
    I am beginning to realize that much of my behavior is still STRONGLY influenced by WT thinking.

    I realized that the WTS will influence my thinking for the rest of my life. I have tried to root out the negative stuff and so far have been successful. Though I am not consciously aware of their control, I sense (feel) control at a deep subconscious level. To the best of my knowledge, such control will not have a negative imapct on me, and I don't worry about it.

    My question is, how have you confronted and rooted out ideas that might have affected your life in a negative of less than useful way?

    For the most part, yes.

    I see the need to research my beliefs and attitudes. I would just like to get some input regarding ways you all have dealt with these things.

    SPAZnik has good advice. Go at your own pace, and take your time.

    Think for yourself. It is your life view and moral outlook you are designing, so it should be your decisions not someone's elses.

    Study alternative views and the reasons behind them. For the blood issue, go to the JWRB (?) site and read the chapter on blood transfusions in In Search of Christian Freedom.

    If you are studying the morality of homosexuality, don't visualize yourself doing homosexual acts. Study nature, like the bonabos [sic]. Study some of the gentics studies on homosexuality. Talk to some of the homosexuals on this site. Jim is cool, as is his "A Common Bond" website. JoelBear and John are a cool guys as well.

    When studying the Bible, I found one idea to be handy. If the Bible is infallible, objective data will not contradict it. A rock is incapable of knowing if the Bible is infallible or not. But a rock, or a dead tree, can tell you if the Bible is infallible.

    Learn how to view things scientificially. Learn good logic and thinking abilities. There are sites that will tell you how to identify bunk. Skeptic magazine is good for this, as are some of the atheistic websites.

    Above all, pick and choose as you please. It is your life you are affecting not mine. Try not to tie yourself to one line of thought (such as "The Bible is the Word of God" or "There can be no God") until you have reasons for believing as you do.

    Research cults and High Control groups. Learn what is normal for a person who has left a high control group and how they can help themselves after leaving. Studying Bible-based cults will help you with a lot of the JW stuff.

    Lots of this can be obtained through search engines on the Net. Amazing, JanH, AlanF, and Farkel have written some really good stuff.

    This is alot to absorb. Take your time, and do it at your own pace. Most importantly, get information and think things over. And have fun! This should not be a chore.

    Most important of all, don't be afraid to reach your own conclusions about things.


    Edited by - Skeptic on 18 December 2002 17:38:52

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