I am beginning to realize that much of my behavior is still STRONGLY influenced by WT thinking.
I realized that the WTS will influence my thinking for the rest of my life. I have tried to root out the negative stuff and so far have been successful. Though I am not consciously aware of their control, I sense (feel) control at a deep subconscious level. To the best of my knowledge, such control will not have a negative imapct on me, and I don't worry about it.
My question is, how have you confronted and rooted out ideas that might have affected your life in a negative of less than useful way?
For the most part, yes.
I see the need to research my beliefs and attitudes. I would just like to get some input regarding ways you all have dealt with these things.
SPAZnik has good advice. Go at your own pace, and take your time.
Think for yourself. It is your life view and moral outlook you are designing, so it should be your decisions not someone's elses.
Study alternative views and the reasons behind them. For the blood issue, go to the JWRB (?) site and read the chapter on blood transfusions in In Search of Christian Freedom.
If you are studying the morality of homosexuality, don't visualize yourself doing homosexual acts. Study nature, like the bonabos [sic]. Study some of the gentics studies on homosexuality. Talk to some of the homosexuals on this site. Jim is cool, as is his "A Common Bond" website. JoelBear and John are a cool guys as well.
When studying the Bible, I found one idea to be handy. If the Bible is infallible, objective data will not contradict it. A rock is incapable of knowing if the Bible is infallible or not. But a rock, or a dead tree, can tell you if the Bible is infallible.
Learn how to view things scientificially. Learn good logic and thinking abilities. There are sites that will tell you how to identify bunk. Skeptic magazine is good for this, as are some of the atheistic websites.
Above all, pick and choose as you please. It is your life you are affecting not mine. Try not to tie yourself to one line of thought (such as "The Bible is the Word of God" or "There can be no God") until you have reasons for believing as you do.
Research cults and High Control groups. Learn what is normal for a person who has left a high control group and how they can help themselves after leaving. Studying Bible-based cults will help you with a lot of the JW stuff.
Lots of this can be obtained through search engines on the Net. Amazing, JanH, AlanF, and Farkel have written some really good stuff.
This is alot to absorb. Take your time, and do it at your own pace. Most importantly, get information and think things over. And have fun! This should not be a chore.
Most important of all, don't be afraid to reach your own conclusions about things.
Edited by - Skeptic on 18 December 2002 17:38:52