What should i Do???

by Shytears 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shytears

    In the past few months i have gotton into another depression,or maybe i have been in one for a long time and now its getting worst,whatever the case is,i cant seem to get out of it...i dont have much help any way,i rarely do anything and when i do get out the house its to go to the doctor or some other thing thats not really fun.....im like a hermit,seems the more i dont do anything the more i Dont want to do anything

    my brother says its my fault im like this,i just wanted to know if its true,can i help it,or not?he said i did this to myself???i was thinking in what way??all my friends are not my friends anymore??is that my fault???people dont talk to me anymore..is that my fault???nobody invites me anywhere is that my fault??? not like i have my own car and go anywhere i want..i mean im not mean to anyone im still nice to eveyone,my mom says its because they all have there own problems,,Well i thought the loving brothers and sisters are suppose to help the ones with problems,seems like when u start to get down and depressed they leave u alone???and have nothing to do with u..and view u as bad association

    i sleep all the time im maybe up for like 5 hours,thats it,little things make me cry thats really stupid...i know sometimes i need to make the effert to go places but i feel like they dont want me there anyways....well im gonna go,byebbye ~Laura~

  • cruzanheart

    Dear Shytears, it's not your fault that you feel this way. And you are doing a good thing by reaching out to all of us on the forum because most of us have felt the way you feel at one time or another. There are a lot of things you can do, but I think the first one is find a good psychiatrist/psychologist/group to get you over the down time you're having right now. Medication might help, might not. The important thing is to take that first step out of your front door and to someone who can help you. That someone is not an elder, a pioneer or a publisher. Don't expect help from the Witnesses and you won't be disappointed.

    ((((((((((((LOTS AND LOTS OF HUGS FOR SHYTEARS)))))))))))


  • Sentinel

    This does not sound like a normal depression to me. If it's gone over two weeks, and you aren't improving, and you can tell that something isn't right, you should go to the doctor.

    Depression can be very debilitating. You are too young to be in such a state all the time. With a bit of help, you will be able to snap out of it and learn to be happy and joyful.

  • Skeptic


    Laura, it sounds like you are suffering from severe depression which means it is not your fault. See your doctor or a good therapist. The good news is that depression is 90% treatable and you can have a normal life.

    I have dealt with many depressed people. If you want someone to talk to, email me and I will send you my contact information.


  • NoMoreJW

    Hi Laura, I went through the same things and to be honest I still have times like that. It sometimes helps me to just take a walk or do something different. It doesnt have to be strenuous, just to break the cycle and get your mind and body to make a change. I know how easy it is to focus on negative things too. Just a five minute walk around the park with my thoughts to myself were the first steps I took. Whatever negativity other people put to you, try not to take it on board. We all have problems so youre no different to anyone else. We all have good points too and you are no different there either. Sleeping a lot is a symptom of depression, just as you say, and I know it can be a lovely way to while away the boring reality of wake-time life. There is enjoyment to be found out there though, why not try something you used to enjoy, if only for five minutes?

    Let me know how you get on :)


  • noidea


    Sounds like you're looking to solve your problems in the wrong way.

    First thing ..you are relying on other people to do that for you. You have to be able be happy within yourself and self reliant..there is the less likely hood of being hurt that way..I have learned not to depend on other people..when they are there for you..it's a bonus in life.

    There is nothing wrong with being hurt from what others do. You do need to let go of the blame that you are placing on them for not being there for you..as long as you blame others you give them full control of your life and the hurt you feel will only grow. You are the one that needs to be in control.

    And if you are looking for that love at a Kingdom Hall..sorry to burst your bubble..the only kind they know is conditional love and it isn't worth responding to..here today gone tomorrow, Who needs that?

    I was wondering how old you are?

  • Debz

    Well I think you need to see a GP and get some help for this.....its ok...I think anyone that has experience with JW`s has a `hermit` type of existence I know I struggle with it coz its safe...and can get worse at times....if you are young it is part of knowing the world and yourself......I would suggest you try and get a network of supportive friends ones that you trust and get out a bit...its hard but often worth the effort....Hope you feel better soonXXX

  • Shytears

    Thank You everone for the kind Words,i appreciate it


  • ugg

    SHY TEARS,,,,try to see a doctor if you can...tell your mom you think you need some help....do not suffer like this alone....sending lots of hugs.... it is NOT your fault!!!

  • Scully

    Hi Laura:

    I'm a nurse and I talk to my patients a lot about depression. I've had clinical depression myself, so I understand some of the feelings you're experiencing right now.

    It's really sad to say, but JWs are not the best people to talk to about how you're feeling. The Society sends the message that the only "cure" for depression is the New System, and in order to get there you have to go to all the meetings, and door-to-door. When you're suffering from clinical depression, it's a real chore to even get out of bed and have a shower, so when the extra expectations are piled on you (for meetings, service, etc) it just makes you feel shamed and guilty and that just makes you feel even worse.

    I think I remember you saying that you're 16 or 17 years old, so I'm hoping you still are in high school. If your family can't or won't help you, I think you need to talk to your guidance counsellor at school. They can put you in touch with the appropriate resources, and maybe there's a nurse at your school, or a teacher you trust, who can point you in the right direction. You might need some medication, so see if there's a way you can get to a reliable doctor and find the appropriate medication for you. It can take a few weeks for the medication to take effect, so you'll need to be patient and treat yourself gently. Expect other people to be considerate of you too, there's no excuse for rudeness from other people, especially when it comes from their ignorance of what's happening with you. Let them know that you don't need criticism right now, but you would appreciate their love and support. If they aren't able to do that, then tell them that you'll be in touch with them when you're feeling better.

    When you're a young JW, it's so hard to get close to people your own age - my own parents wouldn't let me have any friends over and there weren't any kids from the KH who lived close enough or who were considered to be "good association". It was a pretty lonely existence, especially when you're at an age where you just want to belong somewhere, and feel like you don't belong anywhere.

    My e-mail address is [email protected] - write to me if you need to, or want to talk some more.

    Love, Scully

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