ANgry JW
by Brummie
12 Replies
Hey....keep those links coming bebe I can take it!
I am finaly**I think** able to handle learning the truth about"The Truth"......
So give any link.....send me any's ok.
Besides post those links with style!
Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 19 December 2002 3:9:33
I knew Brmmie would post again. The goodbye the other day was a secret search for - "who loves me most & misses me most"
You are an addict fellow midland'er - face it.
What!!! Say it ain't so brummie:
Brummie (only 1 post today class)
bwahaaaaaaaa onacruse is gunna smoke you baby!
Katie (of the who's counting anyway class)