Why won't they (the WBT$ head honchos), simply change policy on sex offenders? Will they?..especially after the ARC for eg?
It seems that with all the bad press and now the ARC among other institutions that are exposing the WBT$ for a haven for paedophiles, why hasn't the WBT$ simply changed it's insane policy?
The things they've been doing are pathetic. A weird cartoon and the JWTV nonsense from the popes blaming homosexuals for child abuse.
Are they really such fools? Are the GB and their suck ups themselves paedophiles (and that's a serious question not a viscious dig)?
Would it really cost them their reputation? Surely, they could spin it to say that they are leaders in the field of child protection.
I suspect there is MONEY at the root of their resistance.
sorry if this has been covered before...well, actually I'm not....but y'know.
Why are those money hugging popes so stubborn?
I value your thoughts.