Lottery Tickets & Gambling

by JH 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • imanaliento

    I did play power ball on occasion, but always felt I had to look over my shoulder to see who was around. I felt there was little difference in playing verses the friends who invested thousands into the stock market and lost. my loss was only a dollar here and there. Now I play weekly.

  • CoonDawg

    I play powerball regularly. My JW wife seems to have no problem daydreaming with me about what we'd do if we hit the big one. Actually, I'd probably have her claim the prize so my ex couldn't sue me for a bunch of it.


  • bikerchic

    My first introduction to gambling was on a trip to Laughlin, Nevada with a group of Elders. We did these tri-anual trips to the river as a group and stayed in the Casino's, played all day at the lake then all night in the Casino's.

    It was an unspoken word that if YOU get caught you wouldn't rat the others out........LOL As far as I know they are still doing it.

    I sometimes buy lotto tickets, gambling is a real rush especially pulling those one arm bandits! I'm looking forward to throughly corrupting onacruse next week in Vegas!

    Watch out Vegas!


  • BluesBrother

    The last Judicial Committee that I sat upon was a sad case of gambling . The P/o had told me that the miscreant was guilty of playing the lottery , but when we got to it , it transpired that he had just purchased some charity scratchcards. And been shopped by one of his family!

    We still gave him the full treatment, and I am sorry now to say that I took the lead in chastising him and pointing out the seriousness of his actions and that it was inconpatible with Christian conduct (Isaiah 65: 11)

    The lad was publicly reproved

  • LB

    I always played the lottery. In fact I worked with a brother who used to give me a hard time about it. But eventually he gave in and bought a ticket. He was sooo nervous while in line and as soon as he asked for the Powerball quickpick I said "Hi sister Brown, have you met brother Michaels?". He almost jumped out of his skin.

    Yep, I'm a turd.

  • Bendrr

    I don't play the lottery anymore. When Georgia first rolled out our state lottery I'd play a few scratch-off tickets here and there but just didn't get into it. I never won more than free tickets and $5 here and $10 there. Now I don't play at all, but haven't forbidden myself from doing so.

    The way I look at it, the lottery is just an annoying delay at convenience store cash registers and the only good thing about it is that it's a tax on the poor who definitely don't pay their fair share. Until I actually play it and win a sizeable amount of money that's about all I can say about the lottery.

    Actually, the biggest problem I have with the lottery in Georgia is this. I can go to a bar and see naked women dancing, I can call an escort service or hit a massage parlor for some poon, and I can gamble in the state lottery. But I can't buy beer, wine, or whisky on Sunday. I can buy a lottery ticket on Sunday, but not a six-pack. When the state legislature finally pulls their collective head out of their collective behind and jacks the stupid "blue laws" maybe I'll pour a few bucks into the allegedly "education-supporting" state lottery.

    Don't get me started!

    Mike of the Proud Southerner But Not Ignorant Redneck Class.

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