OK so I'm on the phone talking to my friend, when I hear a knock so light I wasn't even sure if it was a knock.... (The doorbell, LIGHTED, works just fine).
I open the door. Two attractive young ladies in their early 20s are standing there, don't even make eye contact. One reaches into her bookbag and pulls out the lasts Watchtower and aSNAKE magazines and proceeds to ramble incoherently for the next 30 seconds. After which point she offered them to me.
I looked at them straight in their eyes and said, "Girls, I was raised a JW. Everything you are doing, I have done it ten times over. I regular pioneered for years. I grew up 30 minutes from the original Gilead in Lansing, NY."
(At this point, they are looking excited)
I continued, "I have ZERO respect for the leadership of the Jehovah Witness Church. With the UN scandal, the pedophilia Silent Lambs/Dateline Scandal and their constant changes on doctrine I have become disgusted. They have destroyed otherwise normal healthy relationships within my family and countless others. Their lies have affected people's LIVES. Have either of you girls attended college?"
"No, but..." ( I cut them off)
"When I graduated high school in 1986 and was looking forward to going to college, it was forbidden. I was told that within four years the new system would be here, why pursue a four year degree? Well, Saturday marks my 34th birthday. I'm sure you were fed the same bullshit. I'm telling you now, stop peddling useless magazines that YOU haven't even read, and go to college. EDUCATE yourself about the religion you grew up in. You know where I live."
One of the girls lamely offers, "I'm sorry you feel that way."
I said, "I'm not. Please don't waste your sympathy. I'm much happier without being told every move I can or can't make. Goodbye."
At which point I closed the door, so they could get another eyefull of the HUGE wreath decorating our front door. They had to step over the cords for the Christmas lights, too.
I thought I would be angry, but mostly I just feel sorry for them.