I cant remember all the details but one of the head Muslims in Sydney said about a year ago it is OK to say Merry Xmas to fellow Australians. Barry
Do you say "Merry Christmas"?
by moreisbetter 14 Replies latest jw friends
Big Tex
I said my first Merry Christmas today. It felt strange; not bad or wrong just very odd. Maybe I just need practice.
Yesturday, I was cleaning one house of which the owners are of the Jewish faith. The husband and son showed up to pick something up on their way to pick up the mom. On their way out, they wished me a happy holiday. I was unsure what I should say so I said...........And a Merry Christmas and Happy Hanuakh* to you also. That got a little chuckle out of them. They are the nicest people. I love their voice mail. They even mention Sunny, their dalmation.
Sanddigger says:
10 years since i left physically, and even though i say merry christmas alot now, its like everytime i do, theres that little inner something that always makes me reflect for about 5 seconds on the past..
I think that's called the "conscience". Sometimes, when we're in the process of trespassing, it won't let us alone.
Of COURSE I say "Merry Christmas!" It's a cultural thing, and I'm a nearly semi-normal human being now, dang it!
God: I'm going to deleted up everyone who wishes anyone a "Merry Christmas."
Angels: God: you are acting like a major asshole on this one. Did you know this?
God: I am? Well, shoot. I live to deleted people up, and thought I had another good reason to do it. Sorry, angels. I'll work on something else, then. How can I deleted my own children up outside of the Holiday season? I need some help here, and I'm just itchin' to mess them up. Bring me your plans, because I need to mess up some humans. This gives me JOY.
"God" is a jerk.
Edited by - Englishman on 21 December 2002 6:53:3