I wish Geoffrey Jackson wasn't being questioned at all vs a video link...

by thedepressedsoul 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • thedepressedsoul

    I'd rather them not even question him at this point. By allowing a video link, they put the ball 100% in his court. I don't get what they expect to accomplish by having a video link only.

    2. He won't feel any pressure. He's not in the hot seat. He's miles away when he gives an answer. I think this alone is a huge advantage for the JW side.

    3. Video link is not on the live stream. We'll never see it, the world will never see it.

    What the say is true, the one with the money, makes the rules and wins....

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  • OrphanCrow
    depressed soul: Video link is not on the live stream. We'll never see it, the world will never see it.

    Yes, we will see it. The live feed will show the video link this time so that the world will see Jackson's face when he gives testimony.

    He won't feel any pressure. He's not in the hot seat. He's miles away when he gives an answer. I think this alone is a huge advantage for the JW side.

    I think he will still feel pressure. The video link is still a hot seat - especially when the camera will be on the video link. I would think it could be just as bad. But, if Jackson feels comfortable, it could be an advantage for a skilled questioner to exploit. And we know that skill is on our side. That is plain from what has happened so far.

    And as far as the advantage for the JW side - they are going to need it.

    I dunno, depressedsoul, I think that the fact that Jackson will give testimony at all is a big plus and I plan on watching every minute of it.

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  • Phizzy
    I wonder if the questions get too much there will suddenly be "technical problems" with the Video Link ?
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  • Island Man
    Island Man
    He won't feel any pressure. He's not in the hot seat. He's miles away when he gives an answer. I think this alone is a huge advantage for the JW side.

    Not necessarily. It could turn out to be his undoing. It's easy for him to have a false sense of confidence and feeling less pressured could mean less adrenaline and thus a poorer performance when he's caught with a difficult question.

    I wonder if the questions get too much there will suddenly be "technical problems" with the Video Link ?

    That is my only concern - that the video link gives him an opportunity to chicken out at any time by feigning technical difficulties.

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  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds
    I mentioned this before, but this isn't him using something like Skype or whatever. It's a setup taken care of by the commission. There will be representatives of the court there with him. It will be fine.
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  • SecretSlaveClass
    Yes I forsee many technical difficulties on the part of Our Lord Geoffrey.
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  • Viviane
    That is my only concern - that the video link gives him an opportunity to chicken out at any time by feigning technical difficulties.

    Which means he's have to re-appear, again and again until they finally issue a summons forcing him to appear in person.

    That would actually be awesome.

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  • SecretSlaveClass
    Viviane: Good point. And awesome yes - imagine all the inconvenience as well as being reminded that His Lordship holds no power over "wordly" authorities.
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  • thedepressedsoul

    Sorry guys, guess I'm feeling a little negative today.

    It just seems that they are able to wiggle their way out every time. It gets tiring to see when they have such a huge amount of control on their members.

    I'll turn my mood around and hope for the best!

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  • thedepressedsoul
    Can anyone add the emails to the royal commission? Instead of being Mr. Negative I'd like to be proactive. To do my part.
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