If there are any real estate agents out there, or people who know about such matters, I would really appreciate some opinions.... if not, I could really use some plain old sympathy. !
I am having a cow.!!! Just 8 months ago, my mate & I moved over 1000 miles to a new state . We found a house to rent. It's been great. We were planning on renting for awhile until money started miraculously started showing up on the kitchen table, and we could actually buy a house.
THEN! Ten days before Christmas, the owner (billionaire developer who bought this house with cash hoping to acquire adjacent properties totalling 50+ acres upon which to build monopoly houses) decides to PUT THE HOUSE ON THE MARKET, since the neighbors won't sell.
We are in the position of having to allow complete strangers access to our home... while still under a lease... which is supposed to terminate April 1. I've at least forced the listing agent to require a 24 hour appointment notice, but the first "appointment" is like FREAKIN TODAY at 4:30. When I got the call my head just filled up with hideous sniper fantasies, and I'm not like that. I swear. Between trying to get christmas stuff packed up and mailed, working our butts off, and cleaning up after my new kitten who has 'irritable bowl syndrome' and who barfs 20 times a day, I need to have my privacy invaded on a regular basis like I need to have my teeth yanked out with pliers. -------->(insert really really bad word here)
Is this legal, his requiring us to accommodate his majorly demented demands? He's asking at least $100,000.00 too much for the place, which means most people will just get pissed off when they actually come in the door. What a dork.
Merry f**g Christmas...... I guess.....
Thanks for listening....... lauralisa
Edited by - lauralisa on 20 December 2002 14:58:12