Do not blame the workers in the field

by whyhideit 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyhideit

    Often when discussing with Jehovah's Witnesses the problems of the organization, it is common for them to say they think you are lying. They may feel in some way or another that you have fallen away from the pure light, and have become blinded to Jehovah, and opened your eyes to Satan's false teaching. These words, and the thinking I have expressed, should sound very familiar to any reader who has spent time in the organization. The point we often forget though, in our post-Witness life, are that these people are correct from the small amount of knowledge they posses.

    Take for example a country that wants to build a nuclear bomb. They may have one part built in the north that looks innocent to the builder, another part in the south that looks like a toy or object that is not dangerous, another part built in the east that looks like some kitchen tool, and still another part in the west that looks like a part for a boat motor. Each factory is told only what they need to know, to make the part they are working on. The government may even place production goals before them, and reward them for hard work in a way that promotes them above others. Which works off of self-esteem and pride, which develops into loyalty. If you took one person from each location and interviewed them separately, and then said "did you know you were building pieces to a bomb?" Most likely they would argue with you, and not believe your comments. Why? Because they only see what little piece they work on, and that piece could never cause the harm you are describing. These pieces are then shipped to one central location, where only a small group of people assembles them, and have the true knowledge of what the products entailed. This type of organization, is an example of "strategic placement of duties and knowledge." Meaning, by only showing people the small pictures, they could never focus on the larger picture that is unfathomable to their limited knowledge base.

    In the Witness religion this is seen in the authority and congregation structure. The Governing Body members make decisions in a fashion mentioned by Raymond Franz, behind closed doors. These are only seen and explained to those, on a need to know basis. These actions affect the Overseers who deliver these directions to the congregations under the pretense of divine enlightenment. The elders then discuss these issues under the thought that they are "mature enough" to handle the information, and are obligated to not share the information with the average publisher. In fact, they are told that people "spiritually mature" must first prove themselves before being handed these elder responsibilities. With a strong value being placed on " confidential talk." The elders in Canada do not share thoughts with elders in Texas, with elders in Florida or elders in New York. So they too, do not know what is happening around the world. Circuit Overseers do not call, and are not encouraged to do so, other Circuit Overseers from around the world to compare notes and ask question. In the case of the elders, Circuit Overseers and other branch positions, the recommended method is to call headquarters and speak to the main offices. Why?

    By doing so, no one man or congregation could ever see the over all understanding of the organization. The information could then be filtered, reworked and corrected to be published into magazines that make it seem that such desires to know more are, you've guessed it "Satan's false teachings." This type of movement of information is common, when you are trying to control people. The key to controlling the masses, lies in controlling the news medias and other lines of communication. This is seen currently in the country of China, where they are trying to stop the spread of the Internet into their borders.

    So when you are sitting down to eat with a Witness relative or friend and you make a statement like, "what do you think about the UN connection with Jehovah Witnesses?" Do not be surprised to see a blank look, followed by the warning signs of apostate information. This is not because they know this information, and want to forget it. It is because their small piece of work, their individual pieces to the over all bomb, does not give them enough material to work with to come to the conclusions your new life has allowed you.

    The individual factories are running all around us. In the individual members of the Witness faith, in the congregations, the circuits and in the world's countries. The bomb building will go on, and the people will remain none the wiser, unless they quit the factories and step back to see what was being produced the whole time. Remember, do not blame the workers, as they really think they are doing a good job. Perhaps they are wanting to achieve, "employee of the month"

    Edited by - whyhideit on 20 December 2002 18:9:39

  • Soledad

    what you have written is absolutely fascinating and absolutely true, as I have personally taken that same approach when I face witnesses coming into my area or into my home. I never bring anything up as far as the pedophilia or UN involvement, I just smile sweetly and let them continue on their way. I see them as generally good people but severely misguided. Of course if any of the Witnesses has a desire to probe into why I chose to leave, I'll be more than happy to explain.

  • freedom96

    Interesting thoughts whyhideit. I do believe that the rank and file do not have a clear true picture of what is going on. If they did, I think there would be a mass exedus.

  • onthego

    All need to be informed and the Bible also supports this saying "you will know the truth and it will set you free."

    It is not the person but truth itself that frees minds. Get the information to them, say by emailing or mailing it to them.

    If they personally know who you are they will dismiss what you have to say because of "you," but they cannot so lightly dismiss the facts themselves.

  • Gig

    Very good analysis, and the WTS is exactly like a kills or at least hurts so many innocents. The workers have no idea what they support, they are told ever so repeatedly that it's all about Jah and His kingdom. Poor souls, I wish the blue prints for the WT were as easy to read as a bomb diagram.

  • IslandWoman


    The elders then discuss these issues under the thought that they are "mature enough" to handle the information, and are obligated to not share the information with the average publisher. In fact, they are told that people "spiritually mature" must first prove themselves before being handed these elder responsibilities. With a strong value being placed on " confidential talk." The elders in Canada do not share thoughts with elders in Texas, with elders in Florida or elders in New York. So they too, do not know what is happening around the world

    I am no friend of the Watchtower but in my opinion your post attributes a Machiavellian quality to the Organization that even Ray Franz, I believe, did not teach.

    Elders speak all the time, and they speak to publishers about the goings on at their private meetings also. Sometimes that's just the problem they speak too much! I have known elders that have discussed with my husband and in my presence what the CO said to them, what the DO said etc. etc. While the things you describe may be your experience they are not what goes on everywhere.


  • garybuss

    You wrote:

    Remember, do not blame the workers, as they really think they are doing a good job.

    They are the ONLY JWs I know. They are the ones who lied to me. They are the ones that encouraged my wife to suffer and die without proper medical treatment. They are the ones who told my sons I am bad association. They are the ones who shun and snub me. They are liable. I do blame the JWs I know and I promise to work to their detriment.

    I find your analogy interesting but your apology outrageous. Obviously you have never suffered a mortal wound inflicted by the faithful.

  • whyhideit

    The Elders do not know what is happening in every corner of the world, and they are told only what is needed to keep their little space of it happy and progressive. The congregation members, in my opinion, do and say what they do out of a lack of information and not out of malicious intent. To assume that six million people are a bunch of sadistic people, bent on harming the world, does not fully explain to me the situation and their actions. The Witnesses do as they do, because they are not informed enough to know otherwise. Same goes for the elders, and circuit overseers. Had they known both sides and the complete picture, and then done the actions of their life. I would feel different.

    Edited by - whyhideit on 20 December 2002 19:42:15

  • garybuss

    You write:

    Had they known both sides and the complete picture . . .

    They snub! What's to know? They shun! What's to know? They intimidate people who need blood medical treatment, many of those die! What's to know? They harbor pedophiles! What's to know? They willfully choose ignorance! What's to know?

    What am I missing?

  • whyhideit


    I see your point and I understand what you mean. Basically, you see these things as terrible because you are no longer in the organization and it seems plain and simple to you. I just know that not every Witness knows as much as you and I. When they do learn this information, or start the process of educating themselves, it normally takes them out of the organization. When they do the terrible things you mentioned, they do honestly think they are in the right to snub and shun you. They think there is a Bible basis for the blood issue, as they believe what the Society teaches them. Most Witnesses have no clue about the pedophiles, and found the information presented in the media as APOSTATE (That is sad ). When a time comes that they do learn this information, and still continue in their hurtful ways. I will then see them different. I appreciate your view point, it is helpful for understanding the bigger picture myself, of the Ex-Jw's feelings.

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