Why does it matter if j/ws are clssifyed as a cult or not,sure thay are.But wasnt the foundation of cristianty a cult,12 following one man?
by hannibal 24 Replies latest jw friends
Hi, this is my first post here...
Whether JW's are a cult is important or not depends on the meaning you attach to the word 'cult'.
Some people mean a small religion, especially if it's unconventional.
I use cult when I mean a mind-control cult, a form or pattern of belief that through a series of clearly definable characteristics seeks to impose covertly or otherwise conditioned reactions, thought patterns and behaviour upon the adherent.
As such, if something is a cult under these terms, it's not likely to be very good for you!
Webster's New Twentieth Century Dictionary would agree with you, because it equates a cult with a sect, that is, "a group of devoted followers."However, for this board's purposes we are talking about a destructive, mind-controlling cult, where there is a closed society, a "we are special" mentality, a "nobody has the truth but us" outlook, where the leadership is not to be questioned because it is God's mouthpiece, where to read anything but society-published or -approved materials is taboo, and where fear of leaving is engendered because the world outside is SO wicked and you will not reap the cult's promised reward (whatever that is -- in the JW world it's surviving Armaggedon and having a shot at living forever in paradise).
I hope that clear it up for you, and welcome to the board.
Welcome to you, too, Abaddon!
Thanks for the posts,
mind conrol is vary subjective though and is apart of all religions it seems.Even jesus said "If anyone wants to come atfer me,let him disown himself and pick up his torture stack day after day and follow me continually. For anyone who wants to save his soul will lose it"
luke 9:23....your job is to craft my doom,so im not sure how i should
greet you.But im sure we'll have alot of fun! Ta-Ta
H.......... -
Hannibal, my understanding of that verse is not so much an instruction but a description. To me it is a choice, a 'Christ consciousness' if you will. I myself do not believe in following any religious teaching for the purpose of personal salvation, in fact that is not something I give much thought to these days. To me that verse means those who seek to save their ego will lose their soul.
In my opinion, all religious groups are cults, feeding off of the natural need of people for spirituality.
If all religions have cult qualitys,is it best to stay
seperate from all of them than Joel?.....your job is to craft my doom,so Im not sure how I
should greet you.But Im sure we'll have alot of fun!
Ta-Ta H........ -
I didn't say all religions had cult qualities, I said they are all cults. I personally don't think that if there is a god, he/she needs us to formalize some system of worship through a religion in order to benefit from living a spiritual life. My definition of a spiritual life is one spent seeking the benefit of others besides ourselves. This is the essense of what separates us from animals. If this line of reasoning dooms you, so be it.
So in other words Joel,the real truth is in side of you or anyone?
We will know between good and bad?Maybe satan was right when he tempted eve.