Based upon your life and circumstances, were you easy prey for Witnesses to get to you with their message? Were you going thru some trauma or bad times?
Looking Back, Were You Easy Prey For The Witnesses
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
Easy prey? Hell yes! Lessee here... I was 17, just got married, just had first baby, moved 5000 miles away from home to a country that speaks German, no friends, and hubby away for most of the time on military exercises. Can you say "Sitting Duck" - when I answered the door to their love bombing?
If that wasn't enough - my history of loving holidays was already tarnished by my father who never wanted me in the first place. Every holiday was ruined in true traumatic fashion, so I liked the idea of no holidays and a God that actually wanted me.
Yep, I was plucked and ripe for the picking when they came to the door.
Mimilly (ps: new email addy in my profile)
Edited by - Mimilly on 21 December 2002 1:42:15
Was I easy prey? Dam straight!! My parents were dumb-ass dubs and I was raised in this insanity,LOL!!...OUTLAW
Big Tex
Well I was only 9 so it shows you can fly almost anything past a 9 year old. I was starved for attention so when an elderly sister willingly came over to our house, sat on the floor and answered any question that came into my warped little brain, well I probably would have followed her to hell and back. I studied for a year before my parents, so I guess it's my fault they got sucked in.
How about you Minimus? Looking back, do you consider yourself "easy prey" at that point in your life when you started studying?
Not me but YES - my mother started studing when I was 8 - she was divorced and not too well...she loved it for the control it gave her over us!!!!
Alligator Wisdom
I was definitely easy pickings. Gullible and naive at that. After all, I first stepped into a Kingdom Hall when I was 5 years old. My mother studied (and was baptized in 1974....I wonder why?) with an older woman who "claimed" to be of the 144,000. I didn't know any better.
But now.....I know better. When they look behind them, they'll find my place in line "vacant" .
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "NOT Exerting Vigorously")
I was ripe for the pickin, I had a new baby 7 months old who's biological errr sperm donater had decided to be a lifelong bachelor and dickhead( he is 42 and still a freak of nature) My dad had divorced my Mom after 32 years and she was a valium queen from the grief, I was living in Southern MO after moving from KC when our home was repossed. I had attended the Baptist church and felt betrayed by them(they were SAINTS compared to the DUBS in retrospect). The man met and eventually married was a JW, I was a study freak but they got antsy when I began to question to much. My doom in that congregation came when the Pioneer that was conducting my study asked me if "I was sure my fiance could satisfy me sexually" as if I were a tramp or he was inadequate, I LOST IT I slammed my bible down and kicked her out! I was not very popular from then on
<Of the boy was I a freakin sucker class>
young,,,immature,,,ignorant,,,knew zero about the bible,,,lonely,,,insecure,,,ect ect....
Considering I was a baby at the time, yeah. It was either get in the pram or fend for myself. Being the practical 1 week-old that I was, I decided to go along with my parents, just to keep the peace.
I think that ANYONE that was raised as a Witness almost had no choice but to go along with the program. Especially is this the case, when parents "inculcate" a "career" of being a pioneer or elder. I think that if life isn't going so well on many fronts, it seems easier to get sucked in the Witness mentality.Regarding my case, I too was raised as a JW. But age and experience has helped me to reassess my priorities and not let them rule my life......things are going well.