Status anyone.
Is bcg an active witness what is her status
by poopie 10 Replies latest jw friends
Marvin Shilmer
According to BCG's statement she left the religion in or around 1998-9 because she was tired of the hypocrisy. Understandable.
So dissociated
Not necessary poopie , she may have just stopped attending meetings.
Therefore she is not disassociated nor is she disfellowshiped ,
For one to disassociate oneself they have to formalise that in writing .
And as far as I know she was not disfellowshipped
And if she was D.F. for being abused by her father , or for telling others about such an abuse , surely that would open up another can of worms , against the WTB&TS.
Early on, not sure if it was in her statement or when asked by her lawyer about how it all affected her I think she said "I'm taking a break" so I think she is playing the "inactive" card. I hope I've got that right anyway.
Her status? Superhero!
Somewhere along side other Hero's like Candace Conti and Barbara Anderson and Lee elder - just above other heroes like (collectively) the Royal Commission and Paul Grundy.
Her statement (STAT.0590.001.0001_R.pdf) says in ยง 66 on page 16:
"... and I left the JW church. I couldn't stand the hypocrisy anymore ..."
"Once I left the chruch my 3 children and I were completely shunned, ostracised and actively avoided by members of the Townsville Jehovah's Witnesses Congregation."
Nice one fastJehu. -
Apologies "fast jehu" thanks for clarifying. -
BCB is the one still active I believe. -
Who are you talking about?