DYING OF CANCER, whom can help me.

by nightwarrior 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nightwarrior

    thank you for your postings.

    Our friend, Ed, intially had cancer of the bowel which was duly removed, he was then diagnosed last year as having cancer of the liver.

    The operation entails part of the liver being starved of oxygen, and then the other side, but then is able to grow back, hopefully cancer free... well that is the grand plan, and we are hoping that the surgery works out for him.

    as my husband mentioned it was only through something inthe newspaper, and then by looking on the web that we were able to help Ed have some hope.

    We collected Ed and his lovely wife, Marian from the station the other day, and Ed was down, as he thought what is the use, he had been given only six months to live, but we have to remember, where life is, also hope is.... by the time that he had seen the consultant, he was a changed man, very emotional, but a far happier man...... and we were certainly privileged to be party to that joy....

    If this operation can work, well lets hope that others also can benefit....

    again thank you for the lovely msgs that we have recvd..

    Lots of smiles from wife of night warrior

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