I dont wish to offend anyone but this is what I think.A large number of people who leave the Jehovahs Witness movment become Born again Christians or join other religious groups.But is this a sign that many who have learnt that "Gods chosen organisation" is wrong have not learnt anything at all?
Maybe the prospect of facing a future without a God , a divine purpose , and a faith just too much for some people to bear.But in joining another religious group are they not making the same or similar mistakes as before?They are still putting their trust in a ancient book written by people they have never met, interpretted by other people or by themselves, they have not maybe learnt to be analytical in their thinking and to withhold trust until reasonably solid evidence is provided on an issue.
Although other religious may or may not be more harmful than jehovahs witnesses if lessons on thinking and reasoning have not been learnt then we could be open to many more errors of judgment in our lives.
So does the fact that many Jehovahs witnesses join other religons show that they are just moving on rather than understanding why Jehovahs witness are wrong and learning from it?
Maybe they dont fully grasp that the fudamental flaw to Jehovahs witness , is belief in the Bible as Gods word only the second being following that through an organistation .If the Bible is not Gods word then ALL religions who follow it are flawed.
Of course what other people choose to think or follow is none of my buisness and I fully respect other peoples right to believe what they want, but if this world is to progress and mankind to improve in thier dealings with one another then we can not all go round living in our own little fantasy worlds , we must be brutal with ourselves in checking why we believe the things we do and trying to align our minds with reality not fantasy.
This apllies to all aspects of our lives.But if we are not honest or open minded and reasonable enough to see there are some massive problems to the Bibles authenticity and Divine declerations how will we be able to make reasonable decisions in other areas of our lives?