This is unRAEL

by donkey 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yadirf
    On the 13th of December 1973, French journalist Rael was contacted by a visitor from an other planet, and asked to establish an Embassy to welcome these people back to Earth.

    Simply another Joseph Smith for sure, but with a slightly different twist. Same fraud, different person? Or were they both in contact with Satan, just unknowingly. Personally, I think that they were/are being used by Satan as just another one of his instruments for deceiving people. Just as there were multitudes of people who fell for the Joseph Smith story and became "Mormons" so there are people who will fall for Rael's story. Both groups have one thing in common: They're all suckers!


    Edited by - Yadirf on 22 December 2002 13:51:44

    Edited by - Yadirf on 22 December 2002 13:56:21

  • back2dafront


    that crystallinks site is interesting! Atlantis and the Bermuda Triangle have always intrigued me. The talk about the powers of crystals is intriguing as well. Thanks for the link....


  • Yadirf

    Want to see a load of BULLSH!T? You answer "yes"? My pleasure:

  • neyank


    You said:"Both groups have one thing in common: They're all suckers!"

    You should also add another group to that.
    The WBTS.

    After all,hasn't the GB claimed to have recieved info from God?
    Doesn't the WTS claim to be Gods mouthpiece, His channel for distributing His truths to the human race?

    We can basically say that any person or group the thinks differently than the norm. is crazy.

    There are plenty of crazys out there but sometimes we have to have an open mind about things.

    As far as the Raelins, it's good science fiction
    Same thing with zeta

    Check that site out.
    Lots of interesting subjects discussed.

    Whether some of it may be true, I don't know.

    Can any of us say with a certainty that some of these things cannot possibly be?

    Existance is a VERY large place.
    Are we really that sure that we know what GOD is?

    Are we really that sure that we humans have a corner on GOD?

    And are we really that sure that GOD would not have created life elsewhere?

    Questions, questions. We may not find all the answers, but at least we can ask the questions.

    And if nothing else, it makes for good reading.

    Btw. There is info on these and other sites that give an in depth explanation on
    the flood, the nephelim, the pyrimids, the changes in the earths cycles, other planets,ect...ect....

  • Yadirf

    Want MORE bullsh!t? Once again, my pleasure:

    During their encounter with Rael in December 1973, the Elohim specified :
    "Have a residence built in a pleasant country with a mild climate, with seven rooms always ready to receive guests, each with a separate bathroom, a conference room able to accommodate twenty-one people, a swimming pool and a dining room capable of seating twenty-one people. This residence should be constructed in the middle of a park and should be protected from curious onlookers. The park should be entirely surrounded by walls to prevent anyone from seeing the residence and the swimming pool.
    Splish splash, I'm-uh-takin'-uh-bath, all along a Saturday night ......... .
  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Did a thread on the Raelians once. It was a while ago.

  • Yadirf


    And are we really that sure that GOD would not have created life elsewhere?

    Yes we can be sure that he hasn't, other than the angels that is. Sure, it's obvious that the universe is simply too vast for God not to have that in mind, but he had to START populating the planets somewhere ....... didn't he? Why is it so difficult for you to see that the earth was the starting point? Why do you insist that God has ALREADY populated other parts of the universe? The Bible itself disproves such a theory.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    "The Extraterrestrials took me to their planet" (page213)

    ..."Yahweh asked me if I had had a pleasant night, and then explained to me: 'This machine will awaken certain faculties which are dormant in you. Your brain will then be able to exploit its full potential, sit here'.

    I sat in the chair which he pointed to and a sort of shell covered my skull....I could see multicolored flashes pass before my eyes....I felt terribly different. Yahweh spoke:

    'From now on, we will see through your eyes, hear through your ears, and speak through your mouth. We will be able to heal thru your hands".....

    I Guess that makes Claude GOD now,

  • Yadirf

    In the link that Refiners Fire provided, he quotes Rael as having said:

    A few minutes later I was back in my residence with my six companions. There I had the most unforgettable bath I have ever had...

    Great Scott! I see the reason the specs include a "swimming pool" NOW!!!



    Edited by - Yadirf on 22 December 2002 15:28:4

  • Yadirf
    I Guess that makes Claude GOD now,



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