I have attended a few meetings disguised as an "interested person" just to have fun and ask embarrassing questions. But I would never return to the lie.
by JH 20 Replies latest jw friends
I have attended a few meetings disguised as an "interested person" just to have fun and ask embarrassing questions. But I would never return to the lie.
That sounds like fun, Athanasius. Have to be careful and use the right terms. JWs think they can spot an apostate a mile away.
Like the scripture says, if you RETURN to eat more of that vomit (like a weird dog), then your circumstances become WORSE than they were before!! Then it would have been better NEVER to have known the truth (that JW's are full of baloney).
Gopher (of the holding-my-stomach class)
Hi Blondie,
It is fun. The JWs have never caught on. In talking with them always use regular church terms. Refer to their meetings as services, the Bible reading as the Old or New Testament lesson. Ask them what a "system of things" is. Tell them how much you like their church. Its also useful to tell them that you have relatives who are JWs. I've attended a number of their meetings and they never caught on. In fact I think they counted the time that they spent talking to me.
I'm with StinkyPantz on this - I would carry on going to keep up communication with family. I don't want to be DAd or DFd, although I am not sure what the elders have up their sleeves. I don't discourage others from going - I just don't want to go myself. I will go now and again just so I can keep my family happy, although eventually I will stop for good. A bit like some have mentioned - just fade away. I hate going and it makes me sick. I also get sick when I don't go (yes - I am really weird and mixed up!)
Stinky Pants I know how you feel. My sister is 15 and I would give anything to spend more time with her. I couldn't go back though and live a lie. I am just thankful my parents allow her to go to the gym with me and go with me to dinner on occasion. I miss her more than anything. All you can hope for StinkyPants is when they are 18 they too will see the light and come around. I am so sorry you have to go through this.
I find them all so disgusting, I can't imagine setting foot inside a KH again. I shouldn't say "all" because some of them are fine people, but they still support the BS policies.
I didn't go to my stepfather's memorial. I never once even considered it. I always thought I might have to go for my grandson's wedding (he's 8) but fortunately they are out now. Whew! So, I can't think of even one reason why I would ever do such a thing.
Go back?
Oh man, I think I spotted.
Jay...........you're back!! We missed you. Did you hear about the excitement yesterday????
Edited by - mulan on 23 December 2002 19:13:5
Did you hear about the excitement yesterday????
Please, tell me of this "excitement". :)
And edited for seeing that your post has been edited.
Edited by - D8TA on 23 December 2002 19:23:50