I went to the public talk given by the C.O. and the whole theme was that JW's should wear an Identity Card so that everyone would know who they were.We should feel happy that by our merely voicing our position as JW's, that everyone knows what we are and who we stand for. We should be happy to make a stand and sit down for the Flag salute, to show we won't worship it.(his illustration). Just like a person needs an ID card to prove who they really are, we should show our identity as Jehovah's Witnesses as stated in Isa. 43:10-12........It seems that the Society is drawing the line in the sand to classify people.....What do you think???
Jehovah's Witnesses Should Show An Identity Card
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
Perhaps each JW should carry an identity card. That way they could be card carrying JWs.
It is rather evident in their teachings, meetings, and everything else, that witnesses want to be "no part of this world". They've said that in more publications than I can count. I was never a witness, but I did attend a few meetings, and the friendly brothers and sisters made quite an issue of this particular subject by repeatedly showing me how different JW's and their meetings were from other churches that are part of "Christendom".["It's so much more personal don't you think? SO much more caring. We don't preach, we teach. Blah Blah Blah"] The WT seems to define itself a lot by what is doesn't do and doesn't believe as opposed to what it does believe. Many of their teachings focus on why others are wrong, and how the witnesses are different. There is probably a number of reasons for this, one being that the WT simply cannot afford to have it's followers looking at outsiders and other beliefs objectively. They have to be sure to isolate themselves, and make an issue out of it, or witnesses may start to look at views opposing the WT, and realize that the entire world is not under the control of Satan the Devil.
Like the people over at bible.ca say:
"An informed witness is soon to be an ex-witness!!!"
Edited by - Happy_Guy_Of_Goodness on 23 December 2002 1:23:23
In today's social climate, it just makes sense to have an ID card when you are dealing with the public. As a nurse, I have to wear one at the hospital where I work. It identifies who I am, and what my role is with respect to my patients. It protects my patients because I tell them to check my ID and the ID of anyone who enters their room claiming to be a hospital employee.
How many con artists are out there going door-to-door, pretending to be cable repair guys, or pollsters, or someone collecting for charities, when their real intent is to separate people from their money, possessions or do them bodily harm??
Really, what harm would it do the JWs to have to wear an ID card and have it visible when they are going door-to-door? You'd know the name of the person at your door, who they are representing and could immediately formulate a decision of whether you want to spend time talking to them or not, without having to waste your time (or theirs) pussy-footing around with BS topics for discussion from the latest magazines.
That way, if a JW called at your door, and you gave him specific instructions that you did not wish to have him or other JWs call (do-not-call), you'd have his name and could cite it should you wish to register a harassment or trespassing complaint if you were bothered again at some future time.
Since it allows the conversation to get to the point more quickly, JWs will have more time to reach more people... what with their preaching work being so frikkin urgent and all.... they'll be able to cover their territories more frequently and find the people who are really interested in engaging them in conversation.
We could even have fun with them too.... if we aren't already on the do-not-call list....
Love, Scully
PS: They could even have special ones made up for the convicted child molesters.... something like
- My name is BOB SMITH from the ANYTOWN congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.
- I am a registered sex offender.
Edited by - Scully on 23 December 2002 1:46:39
I like how you now need to get an identity card every 12 months so you can easily be out of date.
Guest 77
No, not for it everything. I worked in the construction trade for 40 years and I never needed one to identify myself. There are other trades that require I.D. for personal and safety measures.
For JW's to have an identity card to go from door to door, no, if so, what's next? Isn't their blood card enough?
Guest 77
Did they speak of the GPS tracking device that will be part of it?
John 13:35
"By this all will know that
YOU are my disciples, if YOU have love among yourselves."JWs used to have to carry an ID card.
February 1989 pages 3-4 Our Identification as Jehovah's Witnesses
As ministers of the good news, we are known publicly as Jehovahs Witnesses. Our voluntary participation in the field service is motivated by love of God and neighbor . It is not carried on at the insistence of any man or organization but is according to our God-given commission to preach the "good news" and make disciples. (Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20) Therefore, publishers do well to avoid representing themselves as agents or representatives of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., or any other corporation used by "the faithful and discreet slave" to advance Kingdom interests .Matt. 24:45-47.In case of an accident or an emergency or if problems are encountered while working trailer parks, apartments, or certain other territory, publishers may need some form of personal identification beyond giving their name along with a brief Scriptural explanation of the nature of our religious work.
If questioned, or when asked for credentials, baptized publishers may use the identification card (S-65) signed by the presiding overseer, which shows one is preaching the good news of the Kingdom in association with the local congregation named on the card.A supply of identification cards (S-65), which may be issued to baptized publishers when there is a need, will be included with the annual shipment of congregation forms. If any publishers use a personal name card in connection with their field service activities, they should not print thereon that they are representatives of the Watchtower Society.
1/15/99 WT page 5 Determined to Follow God's Way of Life
The audience was reminded that self-sacrificing love is an identifying feature of Christianity and that love of God and neighbor are essential features of worship approved by Jehovah.8/15/99 WT page 13 Greek Philosophy-Did It Enrich Christianity?
Also, sincere seekers of truth can very easily identify the true Christian congregation by its fruits. (Matthew 7:16, 20)6/1/98 WT pages 11-12 'Go On Walking in Union With Christ'
The most important is that of showing love for one another, for this is the identifying mark of true Christians. (John 13:34, 35)Blondie(I will show you what I am by what I do, not what I say)
Imagine if the next rule is that all JW's carry a card to identify themselves! {They used to have us carry a card saying that we were a minimster of the gospel.}