I think that there a number of things about the Circuit Overseer's visit that stinks! One thing that I hated was how all the elders got together to "shepherd" the flock right before the CO's visit.....What bothered you about the week long visit???
What Did You Hate About The Circuit OV.'s Visit?
by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends
Having to go out in the field service every day and all those extra meetings.
When I was a reg pioneer, I loved the encouragement, the extra meeting with the CO and the talks. What I hated though, was the hypocritical stance of most of the congregation: the fresh haircuts, the full attendance at meetings, the wives that came out during the week that normally stayed home for shopping and soaps.
When I worked full time and couldn't pioneer, I hated that there was pressure to take off the weekdays as vacation days, pressure to return to the pioneer work and again, the hypocrits who came out of the woodwork. Hell, if you're not attending, don't go just for show!!!
We did alot of extra cleaning of the hall. I can still smell the Lysol!
That and the extra field service and meetings. Didn't we go enough already? My grandpa was the PO of the cong and so I got to hang out with every one of them. Fun fun fun; espescially when you're a little kid...
You always knew when the CO was coming by the sudden interest shown to the rank and file by the "shepherds".
My parents gave my grandmothers home to the WT to use for CO visits. I loved how they complained about things like..the air isn't cold enough or there was a drip in the faucet. Talk about appreciation. I know if someone gave me a home, food, clothes and car... etc. to travel this country for free...I would complain!!
I agree with SimpleSally, when pioneering, I looked forward to the CO's visit, but I could never quite accept the fact that the CO was going to somehow miraculously figure out how the whole congregation was doing by going over publisher reports and what the elders would tell him. I mean, when there have been problems, some of the elders were at fault. Did the CO really expect to get an objective report from the "guilty" parties? Like an elder is going to say, "Sister Discouraged isn't coming to meetings now and it's because I told her she had a bad attitude and why doesn't she attend another congregation, nobody likes her here anyway." (True story, happened to one of my mother's friends)
The whole CO visit is such a joke it's pathetic. I plan on being away for a mini-holiday next time he comes around.
: What Did You Hate About The Circuit OV.'s Visit?
The thing I hated most about the Circuit Overseer's visit, which society could have made a lot better by making one tiny change to that arrangment, was that the Circuit Overseer had to be there.
Yep. That's it.
Welcome Lialit.
I hated preparing meals for them, when they had a list a mile long of their food allergies, and brand name products they required. Or.............vegetarian, or yogurt..........only REAL yogurt from the health food store. Nothing cooked or wrapped in aluminum foil. The lists were endless.
The ones I enjoyed cooking for said "anything you make, we'll eat." Now, THAT was a pleasure.
I've said this before, but my ex elder husband always called it the "Week of special Agnony".
.....sitting in the elders mtg Friday evening being told how much more we should all be doing,,,,,,,,,,'go in service EVERY Sunday....." "lead the group Saturday....." "work with the group midweek..."
I used to write a note at the top of my notepad BEFORE the meeting - it read
"S A Y N O T H I N G " as I was often so annoyed at the counsel to do more/more/more but din't neglect your family - you are always on call/dont work overtime but do more, more, more - be see to be taking the lead (the dog lead more like which the CO was pulling)
Hated the whole week - managers come from Head Office to kick the locals into line - LOVE? they could spell it but you could never smell it in the air.