The sheer lunacy of Jackson's view regarding mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse.

by DATA-DOG 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Lunacy? Yes. Insanity? Without a doubt. Hypocritical? No question.

    The view that mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse would solve everything, is probably the most Watchtarded thing I have heard for some time. In fact, it's disgusting.

    So Geoffrey Jackson, one of Jesus' brothers, one of the "shepherds of shepherds" feel that if the Austrailian government want the WTBTS to report child sexual abuse allegations, they they should make a law. In other words, "We will do it if you say we have to."

    This should be a HUGE WTF?? for all JWs. WHY?

    The WTBTS official doctrine ( based on God's word ) is to obey the Superior Authorities unless they are asked to break God's laws. Got that??

    Jackson was basically saying that the WTBTS would report if the Superior Authorities had not dropped the ball and neglected to make reporting mandatory. This is madness.

    The WTBTS, the one true religion in all of human history, will comply with a request that does not break God's laws, but only if the Superior Authorities make a law about mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse. WTF?!?!?

    So the future leaders of the f***ing UNIVERSE have no problem doing what is right...IF YOU MAKE THEM.

    Let's follow the bible-based logic for a moment. The WTBTS can obey a law that demands the mandatory reporting of child abuse. This must mean that such a law does not violate God's law. By extension, complying with mandatory reporting cannot conflict or trumps clergy/penitent confidentiality. Therefore, refusing to report and using clergy/penitent confidentiality as an excuse is not valid; otherwise Jackson could not approve of mandatory reporting, unless he has no issues complying with laws that break God's laws.

    Your thoughts??


  • Oubliette

    As both Justice McLellan and Angus Stewart pointed out, Australia has a legal concept known as misprision which requires all citizens to report any criminal activity to the proper authorities.

    Vincent Toole claimed to not know about that particular law and how it applied. He also said that he believed that mandatory reporting laws somehow over-ruled the concept of misprision (never mind that he contradicted himself in saying that).

    Even still, there are states in Australia that do have mandatory reporting laws and yet not one of the 1,006 known abusers in Australia were ever reported to the authorities by JW elders. Not one!

  • LisaRose

    Yes, this is the problem. The Watchtower keeps saying that they contact the authorities when the law requires it, but why do they need a law in order to do the right thing? They can say they hate child abuse all they want, but their actions say they value themselves and pedophiles more than they value victims.

    What also bugs me is that elders had knowledge that allowed them to protect their children, but did nothing to protect other children in the congregation. For example, if a person known to have molested children has children themselves, what if they invite another child to spend the night? The elder is going to say no, because why would they risk their child being molested, but other parents would have no way of knowing about it, so they cannot protect their children.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Totally agree with your OP, Data Dog.

    In other words, "We will do it if you say we have to." - of course, having non-mandatory reporting states is a wrinkle that needs ironing out but this is disgusting. The first reaction of any decent person upon hearing allegations of child sex abuse should be to go to the police.

    The elders have shown themselves to be uncaring b*st*rds, brainwashed by religion.

    The RC has brought home to me the fact that JWs in Australia (or any other country) are not under Australian law, but under WT law. This is something that must change.

    Hopefully the Commission is onto it.

  • Vidiot

    Data-Dog - "Jackson was basically saying that the WTBTS would report if the Superior Authorities had not dropped the ball and neglected to make reporting mandatory."

    So Jackson basically lives in Passthebuckistan.

  • flipper

    Very good thread. Thanks for posting. My thoughts on this are even IF Jackson and the GB were not instructed by the " superior authorities " to report child abuse within the JW's - out of moral obligation to the victims, the victims family, and their moral obligation to "God" who the elders CLAIM to be appointed by - they still have a responsibility to report child abuse crimes to police. Clergy penitent privilege notwithstanding. It doesn't matter. The danger of allowing child molesters free roam in society in general- trumps any penitent situation or confidentiality.

    AND - There is always Romans 13:1,2 which insists that if anybody does nOT follow the " superior authorities " lead or direction they could be found fighting against " God " since " God " put these authorities into place to execute justice- according to the scripture. So Jackson and the current GB are REALLY screwed if they are fighting even against the Bible- in view of their stand

  • Dumplin

    I think Angus should've asked Jackson to explain the Good Samaritan parable.

    You could replace the word "priest" with "elder" and "levite" with "ministerial servant" and it would make perfect sense to us... and Jackson would fit the part of the "law expert" who challenges Jesus with the question: "who really is my neighbor?"

    Except that Jackson would totally miss the point of the parable. When Jesus asked the law expert at the end of the parable "Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man" - Jackson wouldn't say "the one who had mercy on him". Jackson would say in his deep, rich brown voice: "Thank you for that question" and then start talking about something entirely unrelated, then get upset that Jesus isn't paying attention to his answer.

  • Heaven

    DD, I had the exact same thoughts.

    Jackson claims that JWs hold themselves to a high moral standard and have love amongst themselves... and yet, require the secular authorities to 'help the JWs make it easier to report child abuse by making the reporting of it mandatory'.

    The logic that follows from this is ... that Botchtower's and JWs' reliance on the Bible is grossly inadequate when dealing with issues of abuse.

    Maybe laws need to be enacted to make the Bible illegal.

  • hoser

    After watching him on the stand I realized what a great politician he would make He is good at politics or he wouldn't have made it as far as he has in the jw religion.

  • Sauerkraut
    Oubliette "...Even still, there are states in Australia that do have mandatory reporting laws and yet not one of the 1,006 known abusers in Australia were ever reported to the authorities by JW elders. Not one!"

    This! Exactly what I was going to point out. These legalistic bungholes can talk about kindness, love and morality all day long. Their actions show a complete lack of such. Shouldn't they show "the world" how things are done? Be a good example? Being the typical hypocrites, they do the opposite.

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