Hmmmmmm.why am I noticing a trend on this thread that the old ex-bethelites or ex-elders are doubting what experience Barb has had at bethel! Or that any sister did jobs only assigned to brothers! Very interesting. Out of the borg but not out of the mindset.
Anything new on Barbara Anderson's case?
by Gamaliel 40 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
why am I noticing a trend on this thread that the old ex-bethelites or ex-elders are doubting what experience Barb has had at bethel! Or that any sister did jobs only assigned to brothers!
Well, I didn't mean to start a trend, I just had questions about her level of involvement based on my experience in the 70's and early 80's. If I'm part of your "trend" then I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be "doubting." I just have questions about it because I'm interested in the significance of the difference between 1981 and 1983 or later. I'm very much hoping all this is 100% true, precisely because the exposure of that fact could "jolt" the expectations of the R&F.
I'm not sure you actually did notice a trend, since only Room215 seems to be expressing any doubts, and I thought those doubts were answered fairly well, so far. One person doesn't make a trend, unless I missed something.
Very interesting. Out of the borg but not out of the mindset
Don't take this wrong, because I like everything that I've read from you, and I doubt you meant the above to be an insult. It's just that, no matter how well it's intended, people tend to hate a "line" like "out of the borg but not out of the mindset." I have very little experience on this forum, but I've seen people get hurt by such expressions very often in other places. When someone disagrees, or maybe in this case, is at least perceived to disagree, then the line that "they still think like JWs" is a tempting insult. Ironically (but not necessarily in this case), it's often used by people who tend to be a bit judgmental, tend to equate questions with doubts, and to equate doubts with attacks.
The freedom to question and freedom to doubt should be celebrated, not condemned as it was in the borg.
"The freedom to question and freedom to doubt should be celebrated, not condemned as it was in the borg. " Very nicely said, Gamaliel.
I'm sorry, I certainly don't want to offend anyone, but the observation I had on this thread was the women "defending" what Barbara has done/said at Bethel.
I think, imho, that Barb definetly has a case against the WTBTS in what she has filed. Hers will be an interesting case to follow.
I think, imho, that Barb definetly has a case against the WTBTS in what she has filed. Hers will be an interesting case to follow.
I like what UnDisfellowshipped did with all the related press articles in a newer thread.
Room 215
There's absolutely no doubt in my mind that Barbara is a person of unimpeachable integrity; there is also no doubt in my mind that when I was there, Knorr and the other geezers wouldn't let a woman within a hundred yards of a writing job! Another Barbara of note, Barbara Grizzuti, quite eloquently describes a women's lot in the Bethel I knew in "Visions of Glory."
Either there was a 180-degree change, or......
bttt--any recent news?
was the case dismissed, or is it still moving toward trial?
I'd love to have news about it too. Anyone?
From what I've learned from Barb in our conversations, they were quite happy to use her skills, but a brother always took the credit. An example was an article on female genital mutilation, that she researched and wrote. The powers that be sent it to a Bethel in Africa, for verification of the material. When it was published, without having been edited at all, it had a sub title "from our Awake correspondent, in ____________(African country) Of course it wouldn't do to say it was written by a woman in the U.S.
She is very, very credible.
I don't think I know about this case.
Where can I find background info on it?
Any resolution??
The case is slowly wending its way through the courts. Hopefully, some kind of preliminary ruling will be forthcoming within a year.