I've been busy reading a novel - and I didn't want a particularily deep one - one's mind does grow tired of thinking - at least mine!
Dean Koontz - Out of the Corner of His Eye. I read a lot of his earlier books, Lighting & Watchers being my favorites. Then he got really weird after about the 15th book. But his characters in this book are better written, along with the dialogue. As always, he stretches the imagination.
QB VII - by Leon Uris A great novel about a physician who worked for the Nazis during the war - and had a lot of explaining to do after the war - and his trial for knowing how much pain a person could endure.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Does tax the imagination and one's vocabulary - but much satire and fun.
To Kill A Mockingbird Pulitzer Prize Winner for a reason - timeless and great. The original movie with Gregory Peck was good too.
Inherit the Wind Another timeless great one. The original movie with Spencer Tracey was really good too.
The series of books about what would happen if the Rapture actually occurred? I know, I know. But an interesting concept nonetheless, and not a bit more peculiar than the notion of Armageddon actually occurring and what it would be like. However, after the 7th book, (pretty big print, btw) it was time for me to take a break with all the fun and games of Revelation.
The Mirror Don't remember the author. To the best of my knowledge, she wrote only this book - but a fine one. Totally envelopes the imagination of literally changing minds with someone - as in grandmother/grandaughter - and never changing back, living the other person's life in their body, but with total recall of your own thoughts and past. I found this book fascinating, read it 3 times - and then loaned my book out. CAUTION - don't lend your favorite books........
Caleb Carr's books have been mentioned, for good reason, already - but he gives substance and insight to the turn-of-the-century immigrants and their lousy lives, even when normal. Fascinating read.
So much reading to do.......