Thanks, but it doesn't say anything about what to do if the person DOESN'T want to come back. Is there another one?
Does anyone have the letter???????
by Mulan 23 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Mulan:
ugg had this on a thread today:
hi,,,,give yourself one will be overlooked....they have lists..and a list of things they can use on their "visit" i snooped,,,saw it in my hubbys "unlocked" book case.....
Maybe since her hubby is on the inside, she knows of a letter or coorespondence dealing with those who do not return to the hall after their "visit" with inactive ones. Just a thought.
Mrs. Shakita
Elderrepents - Yes I am still an elder. I'm staying around for my family and friends. I try to make the cong I attend a better place, balancing out some of the unreasonable elders. I used to hope that some type of reform would be possible, but the longer I hang around I don't know.
Mulan - This is the only letter we received, unless my PO has another one. In the past he's held onto letters before giving them to me or the other elders. If I learn something else, I'll let you know.
Thanks for posting that letter. I'm going to print out a copy for my file.
It's nice to know that provision has been made to allow time, RV and Bible Study to be counted when a study is being conducted with someone who has agreed to be reactivated. I wonder how many would bother if they were told they couldn't, because the individual is already baptized??
Excuse me while I barf.
Love, Scully
Hi everyone. Does anyone know if this "reactivation" procedure is going to happen in Canada?
To me it sounds as if they are trying to help struggling pioneers find a way to get more time. BTW, thanks for posting it. Just printed out a copy and forwarded it out to my mom as well.
Yes I am still an elder. I'm staying around for my family and friends. I try to make the cong I attend a better place, balancing out some of the unreasonable elders. I used to hope that some type of reform would be possible, but the longer I hang around I don't know.
Doinmypart, I respect that I really do!
It takes a brave man to try and change a system that is so obviuosly in need of reform, personally the thing that eats me up the most is the cover ups of the paedophelia. I don't understand how Elders can take it upon themselves to go above State Law. As I understand it, at least here in Australia, someone knowing of a crime against a child having been commited, it is their responsibility and DUTY to report this to the proper authorities. The Org. is not above this law, God abhores paedophelia, and as the Org has stated time and again :-
Jehovahs worshipers believe in the necessity of government. They know that without government anarchy and chaos would reign. They accept the Bibles teaching that earthly governments have the right to make laws to regulate morals, protect persons and property, to collect taxes and maintain public order. (Romans. 13:1-7) Jehovahs worshipers obey such laws.
Well how is the law against pedophelia honored here in respect to the above? Aren't they placing themselves NOT only above Government, but also Gods Law?
Sorry about highlight and red ...can't turn it off????
The Org, really needs to get it's act together on this one and fast, on a positive side tho if there can be considered a positive side in all of this, by their policies of not reporting perpetrators of this VILE act to the proper authorities, they are really opening peoples eyes as to the deceit that goes on in this Org. Unfortunately it is at a high cost to peoples lives, and will continue to be at a high cost to the children that are being defiled, because of the GB's pride.
well that's my 2 bits worth much is 2 bits?
2 bits = 25 cents.
Nina (of the I-Don't-Know-How-I-Know-That class)
elderrepents --- crusanheart is correct that "two bits" mean 25 cents. It's a
carryover from the frontier days when there wasn't much money around
and people didn't have the correct change.
If someone owed another person 50 cents but had no 50 cent coins, they'd just
get a big knife and whack the cartwheel (silver dollar) in half. Later, that
individual would have a transaction involving 25 cents, so would cut the half
in half, making each a quarter dollar in the most literal sense. Some even took
it one step further, making each "bit" worth 12 1/2 cents. It was impractical to
take it much further.
Sure enough, someone would end up with more than one "bit" and in spending
them the terms "two bits", "four bits", and "six bits" became well known.
Now you know how old I am.
Edited by - LoneWolf on 31 December 2002 14:12:42
Wow Thanks Nina Thanks Lonewolf for the history lesson that was very interesting.
I always heard the 2 bits in the movies...thought it may have been 2 nickels = 10 cents....but now I know...thank you.