I believe you have excellent point Rocketman
One question however that comes up in my mind is - who's classroom is it, really? This is not her home - it's a school classroom, and while she has a say in what goes on in the classroom, she is not the final authority as to what is to be done in that room. The school board, and the state, have authority over her.
Thank you IW,
I differ in the opinion that you say
At times it can be classified as a wrong other times it is comes under the classification of integrity.
An employee doesn't dictate to his employer what he or she is going to do or not do..She could have possiably even talk the art teacher into doing the board for her...who knows..seeing only one side I Think there was alot of diff ways she could have settled this without underminding her employer..
And then to hide behind this is America just burns my bottem..I mean comeon you dont respect the country but it is ok that you use it as a defense..
Edited by - Redneck on 24 December 2002 16:18:41 looks like I shoulda learned how to spell
Edited by - Redneck on 24 December 2002 16:19:51