I believe that the greater percentage of JWs-You Will Not Be Able to Help, no Matter What Facts You Show Them.

by John Aquila 78 Replies latest jw experiences

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila
    I'm not sure why, but I broke up laughing and couldn't stop when I saw this pic.

    Image result for Jehovahs witness paradise
    I'm not sure why, but I broke up laughing and couldn't stop when I saw this pic......John Aquila
    The pic caught my eye as well..
    It`s WatchTower "WatchTarded Fantasy Art"..
    .........................They Said I Could Eat the Kid..
    .......................AFTER WE TAKE THE PICTURE..
    Image result for Jehovahs witness paradise
  • done4good

    A person's religion is very much about a person's identity, if they do not necessarily need it for their hope. This is a key reason why those JWs that have more or less "normal" lives, (not the wackadoodle ones, or those with chronic problems), stay "in". Many of these type have careers, nice homes, children, possibly even a decent education. They stay in because they have a comfort zone, and part of their comfort zone is their JW identity. For these types, cognitive dissonance and rationalization rule the day. I was one before I left. They are usually apathetic however, and apathy is almost always the first step to breaking free.

    You cannot force them, but don't give up on them.


  • John Aquila
    John Aquila
    You cannot force them, but don't give up on them.

    I know that's true, but right now I'm having a hard time wanting to help them. Yet I know I must.

  • steve2

    Be not astonished by the love-sick reasoning of those addicted to fairystories.

    Just as little children throw tantrums upon hearing fairy stories are not true, so too do intelligent adults.

    Their cry is as heart-rending as the chill wind across the darkened moors: "There is nothing you can offer me if I cannot live happily ever after" . You have lost them because you do not bring the promise of everlasting warmth.

    And that is why there will always be a welcome home for religion: It consoles those who seek the warmth of an nevere-ending tomorrow over the reality of today.

  • 3rdgen

    Outlaw, I was about to say something serious when i saw your hilarious caption: "They said i could eat the kid... AFTER we take the picture"

    Thanks for your humor. Laughter is truly the best medicine for just about anything!

  • brandnew
    Misery loves company
  • steve2

    Forget frolicking with the lion. I'm looking forward to improving my ability to relate to the larvae of fruit flies commonly called maggots. Now there's one paradise I soooooo look forward to.

  • SecretSlaveClass

    Some of uou will hate what I say here but it's soley my perspective and opinion.

    It is not a matter of "whatever floats your boat".

    I DO have a problem with those that want to stay JWs as it's a religion that causes harm, in the same way I detest the Catholics for their inquisition. You may say that's in the past but I beg to differ. Their practice of cruel enforcement destroyed peoples and cultures who to this day suffer the after effects. Cruelty practiced now does not always stop when those practices cease - they often leave scars for generations. And that is my view of the Org. The emotional scars they inflict do not miraculously heal and if you support the Org then in my eyes you are guilty of turning a blind eye to the cruelty and even supporting it. I draw no distinction between the blame shouldered by the GB and its minions. If your're a cog in the meat grinder then you are as blood stained as any part of it.

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