Texas Apostates...Roll Call & New Map!

by Valis 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    Greetings all Texas Apostates...I have been guided by the Holy Spirit (TM) to compile a map locating us in the veritable hotbed of Apostacy that Texas is...If you would like to be on the map let me know and I'll add you as you request. We can't very well let ballistic and our UK counterparts/blokes/blokettes have all the fun now can we? We can also squeeze in our brothers and sisters from neighboring staes as well.


    District Overbeer

    Edited by - Valis on 24 December 2002 20:27:54

    Edited by - Valis on 24 December 2002 20:28:56

  • Elsewhere

    Hook me up buddy! Irving TX.

    Directed by Holy Spirit 'eh? I guess your Spiritual Food has been going it's job.

  • moreisbetter

    Dear Bro. Dist. OB,

    Please excuse this humble sister for questioning, but is this territory map smack dab in Dallas or mid DFW? I humbly submit to your HS guidance & experience. Please let this humble sister know what spritual food is needed.

  • Xena

    Hey put me on the Map....Austin Bayyyyyyyyybeeeeeeeeee

  • Valis

    Dearest Sister mib...are you referring to my house or the map? I'm looking to display where we all live...the UK/Ireland Map went over very well...I assume I will see you and Elsewhere tomorrow? The question was for both, not that you would show up together...*LOL* Shall I add you to the map?


    District Overbeer

  • cruzanheart

    Hey Valis! Big Tex here. Damn, I hate this new posting limit (Simon can we please go back to the old limits). Put me and Cruzan in Murphy. (Where?) It's between Plano and Wylie. After 9/11 my daughter was frightened of terrorism. I told her we were safe because no one knows where Murphy is.

    Many thanks, oh might District Overbeer. We're not worthy!

  • wednesday

    just show me as in Dallas, i actully live in a burb, but close enough.

  • COMF

    Show 'em my abode, Brothamane.

    Regarding our distant (overseas) relatiions, I don't know that "blokes and blokettes" is fitting; we don't want to segregate them by gender; 'twouldn't be PeeSee. Therefore, I propose the following moniker for one and all from the land of the merry olde:


  • Valis

    COMF, is it Plano or Dallas? My short term is gone you know..


    District Overbeer

  • jst2laws

    Hey Valis,

    I would like to be on the map. But do I have to move to Texas?


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