Q: Is there anyone that has the permanent role of Coordinator or chairman?
GeeJay: no, we rotate yearly...... (translaton) we are all Sparticus.
GeeJay: we are a faith driven org, we are not a group of lawyers, being overly concerned with legal matters....
Fave Quotes
On establishing headship principle 1Cor 14: 33-35, 1 Cor 11:3
GeeJay:...... that's talking about women not excitedly jumping up arguing with others....
GeeJay: ......our literature has said it, and we agree!
When being asked about the scriptural foundation of two witnesses
GeeJay: .......I can't ask Jesus that now, but I hope to in the future.
In defense of the headship arrangement
GeeJay: .......to fly a plane you need a pilot ( he obviously hasn't seen "otto" from Flying High)