Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.
Or Proverbs 17:28 " Even a fool who keeps silent will be considered wise, And the one who seals his lips, discerning."
There's another quote I can't recall who said it but it goes something like "Those who try to fool others do so because they view others as stupid."
Seriously GB needs to know how stupid they look and sound. Unprepared by the "holy spirit" so as to give sound answers to those asking.
They are molded to make utterances that are unchecked and unchallenged by the millions of those under them so they are totally unprepared to face the simplest of questions they are being subjected to.
Perhaps JAMES 3:1 Has escaped their knowlrdge.. “ Not many of you should become teachers,.. Knowing that we will receive heavier judgement. "
What utter nonsense!