The saddest part of those stats is that around 47% are under 18 , and around 35-40% are around 7-13 years .
I have to disagree with you here, about it being the saddest news , I think it is great news, and here is why.
Firstly 7 -13 year old`s do not have a clue what they are doing , following mom and dad`s direction , give them a few more years even with today`s information technology do you honestly think the majority of them will still be active witnesses ? in 5- 10 years time ? I don`t think so .Sure some of them will have problems that they will need to come to grips with , but sites like this will be here to help them.
Young ones , especially today , are confronted with more adult themes in movies T.V.`shows mobile phones , the internet ,Instagram ,twitter .AAp`s , F.B., and the list goes on .
How much more so will they be subjected to this and more explicit scenes in the very near future .
Hormones of young teenagers are ripe for investigation and exploration .And the strict interpretations of the WTB&TS will not be able to contain or control them .And more and more will be brought before a judicial committee ,alienating the parents and the children from the organization , or more sadly from each other .
This may very well be the early days of the decline of the WTB&TS / Jehovah`s Witnesses in this 21`st Century.
I say decline , not the end of the religion , their are plenty others who have gone through worse than this and still exist to this day.