Well, after 10 months, the JW's finally came knocking on my apartment - on Christmas Day! In my head, I was going to debate with them, maybe even reason with them.....what actually happened is that for some reason, all of the emotional things inside of me came to the fore and I waited until they were leaving my apartment, I opened up my door, grabbed the tract, crumpled it into a ball, threw it at them and rattled off a string of profanities (which I won't repeat here, out of respect for Simon's rules). I was really mad at myself for doing this, but at the same time it provided an immense cartharsis for me. Maybe next time I'll debate!
JW's come knocking on Christmas
by DIM 14 Replies latest jw friends
DAG DIM! lol I'm glad it wasn't me knocking... of course I wouldn't have the guts to knock on any doors on Christmas.
They probably took it as persecution and are singing praises about it at this point.lol
of course I wouldn't have the guts to knock on any doors on Christmas.
No guts required. Just a lot of inconsideration needed. I know, I preached on at least a couple of Christmases.
You place literature at almost every door if you guilt them using the "on this day when many people think of Jesus" line.
I stopped preaching on Xmas for three reasons: I felt bad for interrupting people's family celebrations when I could call on any other day. I also found that though I placed a magazine at every door on Christmas, the return visits got NO results. People could not even remember that we had called on them! BTW, it is surprising how many people are very drunk at 10AM on Christmas.
The third reason is that I wanted a day off to enjoy it for myself! I mainly preached on Xmas out of guilt anyway. Let's face it, it is very rude.
I know what you mean. I always felt pretty guilty intruding on people's time with their families on Christmas. I even had some people tell me on the return visit that they only took the publication/magazines to get me out of the way. It was awful how the Society would really put the pressure on to go out door to door during the holidays.
Even though you didn't debate with them you at least got some building frustrations out, and I'm sure it felt good. I'm surprised JW's are able to evangelize in apartment buildings. My apartment complex has two big No Trespassing, Private Property signs at the entrance to the driveway. If your apartment building has a no trespassing sign they probably could get into trouble. I personally would call the police or at least threaten to if they stopped by my apartment. There are over 800 units here and if I debate with them they will just leave my apartment and continue with the rest of the 799 units, and maybe recruit someone. If I call the police, they will leave.
BTW, You probably are familiar with my apartment complex, since you lived 10 minutes away. I live at the Korman Suites Meadowbrook. -
I hated going out in service on holidays. I never did as an adult though. Though most people were friendly, I still hated it. Most people were home, and I just felt like an idiot standing there, with no presents, no loved ones around having fun.
Hey, Jason...
Here's what happened after you shut the door:
1st JW: "Gee! Do you think he was an Apostate?"
2nd JW: "I don't know. But you really shouldn't use God's name as a Euphemism. Do you not remember the talk by Brother Strictly when he said we shouldn't use words like 'Golly', 'Gosh', and 'Gee'?"
1st JW: "Oh, yes. You are correct. I have made a grievous error. Do you think he'll forgive me?"
2nd JW: "Only if you show works reflecting repentance."
1st JW: "I'll pray extra hard tonight. Now, what ought we do with this crumpled up tract?"
2nd JW: "Certainly we can't toss it in the garbage can. I'll take it home, iron it, and place it the next time I go out in service."
1st JW: "You're such a great servant of Jehovah! By the way, I put this guy's address on the 'Do Not Call' list."
2nd JW: "Swell! By the way, no one is great except for Jehovah."
Funchback- you left out the part about the demonz being overly active this time of year. That's one demerit for you .lol
Good one, heathen!
I forgot to also mention that the 'Do Not Call' list is a crock. Why? Because two elders usually work the DNC's every 6 months. Why? Because the householders' circumstances may have changed.
Sooooo... 'Do Not Call' doesn't really mean 'do not call'.