Your funeral -- if not in a church, then what?

by Gopher 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gopher

    I don't mean to sound morbid, but we're all mortal. Just as we are wise if we plan for our financial future, we are also wise if we plan for our demise (timely or otherwise), so that our relatives know our wishes and are not burdened with difficult decisions in the case a fatal event befalls us.

    So for those of us who are currently unchurched -- we all know that if you wish to "tie the knot" you can quite easily get a "justice of the peace" to perform a wedding.

    But who can perform a funeral? Once you're deceased it's kind of hard to go looking for someone to do that for you.

    Just wondering if anyone ever gave this some thought, beyond the "I don't really care" idea.


    Edited by - Gopher on 25 December 2002 22:17:11

  • WildHorses


    I've already told my children what I want done when I die. I don't want a church service. I just want to be cremated and have my ashes scattared in the ocean breeze.

  • Mac

    Cremation without a service. (A large party afterward would be my preference!)

    mac, of the doesn't care what you do with my ashes class

    Edited by - mac on 25 December 2002 22:16:44

  • LyinEyes

    Well, my youngest son wants to take me down to the taxidermist and have me stuffed. That way he said I can just lay in the bed, like I do anyway, and he can still sleep by me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,no joke he said that,,,,,,,,, now that poor little boy is morbid,,,,,,,,, but kind of a neat idea huh?

    They can put a button on my back that says ,,,,,,,, stop, quit, don't , later, ok, love ya, goodnite, or my all time favorite.........I'mgonnabeatyoass!!!!!!

  • Gopher

    Ah, of course!! Cremation!! They advertise that service on the radio all the time. (You can tell I don't listen to a teeny-bopper radio station, heh heh.)

    (Slapping himself on the forehead) -- why didn't I think of that? I like the "large party afterward" idea -- it would leave a lasting legacy.

    LyinEyes-- I don't know if they do human taxidermy.

  • heathen

    If I'm dead I don't really care what happens after that . I don't have a family of my own so preparing a fancy funeral is not in anyones interest . I have suggested cremation and then a flushing of the toilett there after . I mean the way I see it the land belongs to the living and not the dead so why take up space that could be put to better use?

  • Mum

    I am going to give suggestions rather than instructions, and this only in case those I leave behind want them. The funeral (or memorial service as it is more commonly referred to now) is for the comfort of the living. If my daughter and her family do not like my suggestions, and they probably won't, that's fine because I plan to be enjoying whatever comes next.

    Let's hope it's a long way off....

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    You could apply for a PERMANENT "position" in Dr. Gunther Von Hagens' KORPERWELTEN (Body Worlds) exhibition.

    Flashers are welcome...

    WARNING - This link may be disturbing to some people. Not you, of course, but some people.

  • Aztec

    I want one of those big raucous New Orleans funerals! I want a parade followed by much hedonism and celebratory merrymaking. I guess I want my funeral to mirror my life!


  • heathen

    Natas- I know I've seen a production of this kind of mumification before ,I think it was on discovery channel .They were saying that people are extremely facinated by this and they can't seem to turn people away from their exhibits.I imagine he has alot of people signed up for this ,so better get in line now.

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