LOL @ Lee!
I always did sorta think that the elders' spiritual armor was stronger than mine! LOL @ ME!!!!
by JH 12 Replies latest jw friends
LOL @ Lee!
I always did sorta think that the elders' spiritual armor was stronger than mine! LOL @ ME!!!!
Blondie, you haven't hurt anyone. I enjoy your posts.
Officially, where I live, only the elders on that person's judicial committee can talk to them if it is necessary but not at length regarding getting magazines and literature...If in a different congregation than the one they were DF'd in, they should seek out an elder who might be familiar with their situation. Once a year 2 elders may call on them at home to see if they are interested in reinstatement...
Nobody else is supposed to talk to them except perhaps the attendants to direct them to a place to sit if appropriate or the brothers behind the literature/magazine counters.
So there are some elderettes that think they can talk to DF'd ones?!
Considering that an average publish who talks to DFed ones can be DFed themselves...where in the Bible is such talking to DFed ones allowed? This one makes as much sense as the rules about beards. So much for all teachings being from the Bible, eh?
Why is it that in certain circumstances that an elder can talk to a disfellowshipped person? Is there a place in the bible where it says that some can talk to DF'd people and others can't?
In 1 cor.5:11 where it talks about judging the man who is on the "inside..... it says to expel the wicked man! Thats it...".leave them for the devil that he may become ahamed"
It is simply POLICY of the WT that made it scriptuarally legal ( in their eyes ) for elders to ...Talk to them.
No where did paul say if anybody needed to talk with the expelled one.....the Elders or he himself would handle it.
This provision was made no doubt for those who were really sorry, didn't really need want to be DFed, and with some sheparding along the way.......could return soon. For those who were a real pain in the butts, who didn't give a crap what the organisation thinks.......wouldn't usually get a visit.
The provision I mentioned above was usually never followed. There are stories of many who said an "Elder/s never called on them the whole time they were out. Had they followed the advise from headquarters....they probably could salvedge more publishers.
BTW.....many are unfamiliar with the policy........"Known Apostates....are NOT to be called on.......ever!
Edited by - Gumby on 26 December 2002 13:11:38