First of all cut back on the anal sex. Then go see your doctor.
Oh, my God! I have blood coming out of my.......
by gilwarrior 31 Replies latest social physical
I would definately go see a doc, my mom had the same thing happen to her and it turns out that she has colon cancer. She goes in for chemo starting Jan 6. It sucks but when you go ask for a colonoscopy. May be uncomfortable but better safe than sorry.
Gil you are so WEIRD!!
At your age it is probly hemorrhoids from being so darn LAZY and sitting on your A$$ writing Ridicules threads about youre A$$!!!
BUTT do go get checked by a doc just incase
Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 27 December 2002 4:9:22
Does anyting down there look like the above?
Stan Conroy
Am I the only one who thinks things are way out of wack when people are seeking medical advice from strangers on the internet? When the doctors are done looking at your ass, maybe you should have them look at whether your brain needs some attention too.
Take LB's advice. He knows! LOLOLOL.
Too funny, LB.
Yes Mega I'm a man that knows about these things. I also understand that if the problem does happen to be roids, then the anal sex thing might be a cure instead of the problem.
First thanks for sharing (YUCKKKKKKKKK
You have mentioned before that you have money problems. Think about this.
Someone mentioned beets, that is a possibility. Also, if you have been eating at "all you can eat" Chinese restaurants, it may be nothing more than the red dye in the food.
However, talking to a doctor is your best couse of action.
Big Tex
Get to a doctor NOW! My mother had blood in her stool for 5 years before finally going to a doctor who told her she had colon cancer. She was dead within a year. Is the blood bright red? It might just be a fissure at the opening of the rectum, but in all likelihood it's an internal hemorroid (sp). If it is the doc can just tie it off (now that's the punch of power) and then he'll give the lecture of eating more ruffage and not sitting so long on the toilet.
Edited by - Big Tex on 28 December 2002 1:30:5