I may sound like a bit of a scrooge here but I really didn't get into x-mas.I honestlly didn't enjoy it.Or better yet not enjoy it but i don't get why everyone is so excited over it.Don't get me wrong it was cool as hell to see my lil step daughter get all excited over her tons of presents.But i just dont get it. You spend many hours and stressful days spending alot of money and you spend all this time setting everything up all for about an hours worth of actual celebrating it.The time ratio makes no sense to me. It is cool however to spend a lil extra time with the family. I don't know if it was just the way I was raised as a jw that makes it unenjoyable or if i really just havent had a chance to fully understand the meaning of it all. One more thing i think is wierd I actually got mad when I recieved gifts.(of course i played it off and acted all surprised).I don't know,maybe I truely am an idiotic moron who dosen't get much pleasure over the whole holiday thing and i just need to snap out of it. But I really didn't enjoy x-mas.(sigh)....Will
Am I the only one who really didn't enjoy x-mas?
by willdabeerman 20 Replies latest jw friends
Your definately not alone. Many are glad it's over, and many dreaded it coming.
I think there is much about Christmas we all love but there are bad "aspects" about it. Most like the smell of Christmas with the evergreens, the beautuful decorations and the Christmas Spirit, and families getting together.
The part about giving out of compulsion, the commercialism, the crowds, and stress of getting "ready" for it ....takes the joy away for many. I didn't really miss not participating that much.....it's just that this time of year always reminds us about where we came from(the org)....and, the families we cannot see because of it. I wonder if gifts weren't involved what it would be like....but.....I guess that's what it's for though, .....giving.
Many have a great time whether they believe in Christ or not...and those that do usually really enjoy it. I guess the bottom line is......it depends on your situation whether you enjoy it or not.
I enjoyed it more this yr,as to other yrs.With some people,that spark leaves as we get older.I have a 23 month old and she added to the fun.
This struck me:
One more thing i think is wierd I actually got mad when I recieved gifts.(of course i played it off and acted all surprised).
Could it be that because of your JW conditioning you don't think you deserve to get gifts? Was your family one of the extremely rare JW ones that actually DID "give gifts at other times throughout the year"? Or were you like MOST JW families and the kids got an unwrapped surprise purchase made for them now and again?
out (who is glad you played it off and acted all surprised so you didn't ruin the joy for the givers)
The stress leading up to Christmas I did not enjoy. I had little time to shop for gifts and prepare food for company.
When Christmas Eve arrived, I was exhausted. I'd little sleep for two days and Christmas Eve dinner was at my house. 10 people coming over. Did I mention I had to clean my house for three hours before they got there?
But once I had a few drinks and got to see everybody, all that stress melted away for me. All the prep was worth it. Good drinks, good food, good music playing, great seeing the family and my cousin who came all the way from Houston. Great time had by all.
Yes, I'll do it again next year!
xmas is a humbug
I think it's time for you to change your profile pic to a happier character. Your getting too scroogy. Where is your post Christmas cheer? Say something positive positive like...."Im so happy and gratefull the winter festivities are over"...or somthin like that
Nice to see you again,...( hear from you I mean )
You spend many hours and stressful days spending alot of money and you spend all this time setting everything up all for about an hours worth of actual celebrating it.
What better gift can you give than your time? I love shopping for presents for friends and family. I start weeks before. I cruise the aisles trying to find things that I think that the recipients will love. If I find a bargain, that's even better. I set limits on the amount of money I spend. With a little attention to detail about what pleases your friends and family, you can find a "perfect" gift and not spend too much.
If I am really low on cash, the females in my family like stained glass art work or decoupage, decorative candles or other home made gifts. Both women and men like decorated boxes that they can store their stuff in. It doesn't cost much money even though it might take time for me to make them.
You only spend an hour celebrating Christmas? Dude, why don't you help out your wife while she cooks the Christmas meal? Help the kids assemble their toys? No wonder you haven't discovered the Christmas spirit yet. Keep trying though...perhaps one day you will discover the joys that come with the holiday.
xmas is a humbug
Logical, you are dear to me but only a humbug type personality would say the above.
I was looking forward to the break from work, the TV (although it was pretty dismal in the UK - nothing but repeats of repeats) plus spending some time with my family. As it turned out, I was all alone on Christmas day - well, for most of it anyway. I didn't really like it - I was a bit lonely. I had a lot of work to do and I was studying, but it was still sad and lonely. I had better stop now or I'll cry......
We started celebrating when the kids were very little, so it was just the five of us - a fairly quiet event. Now that they are grown, the house gets filled up with spouses, grandkids and in laws. I love the noise, the gift giving and the all day of visiting at our house. This year was more quiet, as my wife is not up for the turmoil this year. It was quieter but enjoyable nonetheless.