Some Advice Please

by QCA1 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jourles

    Here is a trick I tell to inexperienced computer users when they want to hide a file or two: (this is for those who don't want to mess around with setting up extra profiles, encryption, etc.)

    Go into your windows explorer showing all of your folders and files(just right click on Start and then click on Explore). Pick a folder that is very inconspicuous like a printer folder or whatever. Add a new sub-folder inside it. Name it 'drivers' or 'system' or anything that sounds authentic. Store all of your 'contraband' files in this new folder. This way, chances are that anyone snooping through your computer will not even bother checking such a directory or subfolder for your hidden files.

    It's easy greasy and a little too cheesy, but it fools a lot of people almost all of the time. Hell, I've got some pretty damning evidence on my wife's computer, but I keep it stored as described above because I haven't really needed to encrypt it since she would have no clue as to where or what to look for.

    Edited by - Jourles on 27 December 2002 14:18:23

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